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Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Falling Into Place

Around here lately things seem to be falling into place - praise God!!

I arrived back in MN on Wednesday at 9 am. After a quick breakfast and a two-hour nap, my step-dad drove me to my job interview (my car was in the shop) for a temporary position helping to set up a new retail store in a nearby town. Despite the fact that I was more than tired and had trouble filling out the application form (my brain was too sleepy to read it correctly), I received a phone call the very next day telling me that I got the job and was to report to work on Monday morning.

And so it was with an lighter spirit that I went to visit my dad and step-mom for a few days. On Sunday we headed to their church, which really is at someone's home. After the service the home owners' and I got to talking about my future plans, including finding a job in the animal care. Upon hearing this, they immediately told me of their grandson and a neihbor's daughter, who work for zoos in the Twin Cities. They gave me their phone numbers and urged me to call them for advice and maybe more contact information, in the hopes of finding me a job. Today I called both numbers, and though neither was available, I left messages and am hoping at least for some tips on getting work.

Speaking of work, today at work I was chit chatting a bit with an old high school classmate of mine (who just happens to work for the retail company I'm temping for). He asked what employment agency all of the other workers were hired by, and I told him. Then he said that if I was ever looking for work in our hometown, that his mom runs a temp agency there and that she is great at finding people work! As soon as I got home, I looked up her phone number and gave her a call - I have an appointment for an interview and to fill out an application this Friday!

And to top it off, I finally got a chance to go online and look for job openings in the zoo world today. I found several various jobs around the country (mostly in the southern US) that are open and that I qualify for. Of those jobs, there are four which I feel like I have a better chance at obtaining or would prefer. One of the jobs I'm really interested in has a deadline for application coming up in a few days, but two of the other three aren't due until January or February. Since I can't start until mid February anyways, I may have a better chance at these jobs, because they aren't looking for someone to start immediately!

Though it still is early, I just feel like everything is falling into place as I had hoped. Of course, appointments for intervews and job openings I'm interested in do not mean real work... but it's nice that there is potential. I'll take all the potential I can get. :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Home

Yes, I'm home.

After I left on Monday, I found out that my bus through Oklahoma was canceled due to the ice storms.

This meant that I spent Monday from 10 am through Wednesday at 9 am traveling...

Needless to say, it was a long miserable trip.

Once home I got to my interview, got the job, and spent the last several days visiting family.

I'll catch up more later..when I'm not so exhausted!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

My Last Day

Today was my last day at CARE. It was a bit sad, fun, and QUITE COLD!

Friday the high got up to 84 degrees fahrenheit. Today (sunday) it is 32 degrees.

Um.... what's wrong with this picture?

And I apologize for the mistake on when Pearl Harbor was. It was actually 66 years ago. Apparantly I can't count. Who knew!?

Tomorrow I hop on a Greyhound bus bound for MN at 11 am, and will be driving (aka riding) along for 24 hours! I'm not quite sure how that's going to work, and whether I'll like it or hate it, but it should be interesting to say the least. I have two books to read (Armageddon and Glorius Appearing, in the Left Behind series), logic puzzles & sudoku to do, and a magazine to read; not to mention a bunch of snacks.... Theoretically, I should be set.

I'll update again once I reach MN!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Dec 7

Okay, so Pearl Harbor was bombed 57 years ago today....

and it's going to be a balmy 78 degrees here in Texas today! Can you believe it? Crazy!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All My...

"...bags are packed, I'm ready to go! I'm standing here outside your door..."

Quick - what song?

That song always makes me so sad, though it's not completely true in this situation. My two boxes I'm shipping home (weighing in at around 100-130 lbs total) are packed, and ready to be shipped tomorrow. They'll arrive in MN on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, about the same time as me. Except I'm leaving Monday morning.

My room here at CARE has lost most of its personal touch now - no more computer, no more pictures, no more dvds.... but I'm only here a few more days, so it's okay.
It's weird, though I've been talking about leaving for a while now, it didn't really sink in until now that I'm leaving this coming Monday. Part of me is sad, part of me is excited to see what's coming next in my life...but mostly I'm glad to have gotten the chance to come to Texas and work at CARE for the last three months. I have met some amazing people, learned so much about so many things, and feel better prepared for whats coming next in my life.


The itchiness has ceased!

I have gone to WalMart and have purchased the correct laundry soap!

Thank goodness!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I am soooooooo ITCHY!!!!

Okay, let's back up the story a bit:

I am allergic to sulfa - oh how fun it is. I've been allergic my whole life, so my whole life we've taken steps to deal with the issue. Normally I don't take sulfa medicines, or wash my clothes in anything but Free & Clear All (anti-allergy laundry soap). Except in the recent past, these have changed.

It all started when I was in Germany and had to go see a doctor. I was so focused on making sure that my problems were understood by the doctor in German, that I forgot to mention how I was allergic to sulfa medicines (and the doctor never asked). So I get this medicine, start taking it, and the next day wake up to a body COVERED in red splotches. Of course, I stopped taking the medicine immediately, but over the next few weeks 3/4 of my body became covered in red rashes, and I itched like MAD...

Fast forward to Sunday night, when I'm doing laundry. I had run out of Free & Clear All, and decided to try using TIDE to wash all of my clothes in (almost everything I owned was dirty) because buying a new thing of laundry soap when I leave CARE in one week is sort of annoying. I wear my clothes Monday, and all is well. Until Monday night when I'm laying in bed and my whole.entire.body. is itchy. I start racking my brain trying to figure out what the problem is.. and I come up with NOTHING.

Then I realize that I just washed all my clothes in TIDE and that I must be allergic to TIDE..

And now I sit here at home, waiting for the director to get back so we can butcher cows and feed the cats. It isn't until AFTER we feed this afternoon that I can go to Wal-Mart (because I don't have a car, and have to wait until the other one is free).

And I'm still ITCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Paying Bills...

...is absolutely no fun.

Just thought I'd fill you in on that, in case you didn't.

Question of the Day:

If I eat barbecue chicken for dinner, then do cardio for 20 minutes, then eat chips and dip; is that bad? Cause pretty sure that's what I'm going to do tonight. I'm getting the whole excercising regularly thing down, but I still need to work on my eating habits! :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

A New Store

Last night, the other intern and I decided to head to a mall in the Fort Worth area, just to look around and maybe get some ideas for christmas gifts for people..

In the process of shopping we came across a store called Papaya, full of the cutest clothing that we both wanted to buy tons of - and the clothes were even priced at a decent price!!!! Of course, due to lack of money I didn't buy anything at all (she got a jacket). Upon coming home, I found the website online and can't wait till the day (someday) when I have a bit of extra money and can treat myself to something cute. Until then, here's the site so we all can keep dreaming:



Saturday, November 24, 2007

Long Time

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything up here, and I apologize. It may seem like working with tigers/lions/leopards/cougars is great fun, full of wild adventures... but really, it's not and I haven't been much in the mood for blogging lately... but here are a few peices of interesting tidbits to hold you over till then:

1. I leave in just over two weeks.

2. I've applied to 2 job opportunities, and haven't heard back from either.

3. I have been so busy I haven't had time to play Sims 2 on my computer in weeks.

4. I've been working out 4 times per week, and feel GREAT!

5. I go to Germany in just over 2 months!

6. Now I have to go eat PIZZA!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Real World, Here I Come!

Or so I hope.

In just one month I will be traveling to the real world that is Minnesota. In preparation, I've started working on and sending out resumes and cover letters, with the hope of obtaining a job...

wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Real World

In just over a month I will be leaving CARE and finally entering the real world. No more college, no more internships..just me and a job. I hope.

Tonight I finished my resume, cover letter and application package for a job at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago that I'm applying for. It's made me remember how much WORK it is to do application packages (seriously, they want to know EVERYTHING about you), and how much I hate doing them. I am traveling to Germany in January still, but I decided to apply for jobs that are interesting right now anyways. Maybe no place will hire me since I'll need time off..but then again maybe some place will be willing to work with me. Worst case scenario, no where is interested and I keep my major job search for when I'm back, as planned. But at least I won't wonder in the future, "What if I had applied for that stellar job?"

In any case..wish me luck!

Friday, November 02, 2007


So, my fiance and I decided to challenge each other. We both agreed to do something towards getting healthier or else the loser will have to do the dishes and laundry the entire time I'm visiting Germany.

Anyways, my end of the bargain is that I have to workout 4 times per week. Last night, I found these great work out videos on fitnessmagazine.com (they have so many free videos, it'll make your head spin) and a "15 Minute Boot Camp" video on diet.com.

Tonight I did 10 minutes of the boot camp video (all I could muster before I felt like I was going to pass out!) and nearly all of the fitnessmagazine.com "Home" workout (cut back on the reps in some of them, because I was sooo tired from "boot camp"). Anyways...apparantly cleaning up large cat feces and butchering several hundred pound cows and horses doesn't mean you're in good shape. Because I'm B.E.A.T.

And it feels so good.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


It's official: I'm going to Germany January 25 through February 17.

I bought my tickets yesterday for a reasonable price, and can't wait to go back to Europe! I haven't been there since August 2006, when I left after my year abroad and am anxious to go back for a visit.

Of course, I'm going to visit my fiance, and am super excited to see him too, as I haven't seen him since May 2007 when he was here for my college graduation.

It's a bit sad as well, because after this about 3 week visit, we won't see eachother again until early 2009, when he comes here to stay permanently. After this trip we really won't be able to afford seeing eachother again, what with lawyer and visa fees nearing at least $1000 in August/September 2009. There are also fees we'll have to pay once he gets his visa, and for his plane ticket and our wedding. Money will be in short supply! I'm also going to be starting a full time job in my career and don't expect to get time off for at least 6 months to a year or longer. All these things combined will make it impossible for us to be able to see eachother again until he comes for good.

But on the bright side, I do get to see him in January and this will be the last time I have to go through the heart wrenching goodbye thing again! And...we'll also finally be able to start planning our life together better!!! So, while it's sad on the one hand, it's also exciting too. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Today I found an online gym class website that's free. You login, then have access to work out videos that you can do from home. The site is www.wobics.com, and though they don't have a lot of videos, they do have a few. This morning I did a 25 minute beginners aerobic work out video, and although I felt really weird doing it, it definitely did work me out.

My arms and legs are starting to feel tired and all I want to do at the moment is hop in the shower...but of course, as I was grabbing my clothes to go shower, someone else went into the bathroom.

Oh the joys of living with roommates.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Six Flags Over Texas

Yesterday was the day that the other intern and I finally went to Six Flags over Texas in Arlington, Texas for the day. We did our few morning chores before taking off, and got to the park at about noon.

The day was so much fun. We started by going on a pirate ship ride, which just swings back and forth in the air. Afterwards it was on to La Vibora (seen below), a bobsled type roller coaster. The cars you sit in aren't on a track, but rather move through the track freely, like a bobsled or alpine slide would.

Once that ride was accomplished, we went on to ride the log chute, grab some cheesy french fries, and then headed over to the Titan, one of the large coasters of the park. When we got to the line, a sign let us know we'd be waiting 1.5 hours to get on, but we gladly hopped in line to wait. Towards the end of our long wait, which actually went by quickly, we were so thirsty it wasn't even funny. Once we got on the ride though, all complaints about waiting forever or being thirsty flew out of our heads as we held on for dear life. The ride went so fast, that even though I tried to lift my hands into the air, I was unable to keep them there for long because they were forced back into my lap. My eyes began to tear and I laughed so hard. The Titan was definitely worth the wait! There's a picture below:

After the adreniline rush of Titan, we went over to a house, where we took a tour. The house is one of those that messes with your head and everything is wrong. Water flows uphill, balls roll uphill, you stand crooked not straight - all in all, just really weird. I do know the secrets of places like that, thanks to the lovely world of the internet - but I won't spill the beans here.

Now, after all this, we were still going strong with a lot of energy and enthusiasm and excitement. Kim had been talking about a ride she went on at a six flags once, where they got pulled high into the air, and then dropped. It was a bungee cord thing, so they went arcing through the air and she said it was so frightening but so exciting. She told me already on the way that she might have to do it if they have one, and I told her that she'd just have to go and I'd watch her from the ground! Well, as we turned a corner and found Six Flag Over Texas's version of it, "Divebomber", she got excited and decided she just HAD to go. And what did I decide? That I just HAD to go with!!! We had to pay some money to do it, $25 each which is really cheap. They hooked us into the harnesses and then we went up. We were lying with the our harnesses hooked together, lying on our stomachs, strapped to bungee cords and hanging in the air. When they picked us up from the ground, it caught me off guard and I screamed bloody murder. I laughed it off, and found the hanging in the air not so bad... until they lifted us up. I closed my eyes the entire way up, except when I opened my eyes two times. I held on to my one arm so tightly that I cut off all circulation and I just laid there, eyes closed, face white, going - "What did I do!?! Kim - What did I do?" Kim just laughed, told me about the great view, told me I'd be fine, and tried to console me..which wasn't working. Then I felt us stop at the top, and they said "3 - 2 - 1 - FLY!" and Kim asked if I was ready? I screamed at her to pull the cord... and suddenly she did! We were falling, our feet went a bit over our heads, and then we were swinging through the air. We reached the other side, then swung backwards, and I opened my eyes. On the first drop I had screamed so loudly, you could probably have heard me in Minnesota. After the first drop it was sooooo much fun, and I laughed a lot. Here's a pic of a dive bomber ride at a different six flags, to give you an idea of how high up it was (150 feet!):

I don't know if I'd ever do it again..but it was soooo much fun!

All of these things took our day up until about dusk. We still made it on Mr. Freeze, which was GREAT and another roller coaster which was complely inside a building in the dark - and unforunately wasn't so good.

We left the park at about 9:30, so out of energy it wasn't even funny! After Dive Bomber, we didn't have much energy to do too much more. I'm proud that I got the courage to do something I never thought I would and I recommend it to everyone to try once - it was really a blast!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old Friends

A few hours of my evening tonight was spent going through my scrapbook from Germany and finding ALL (yes all!) of the pictures I'm missing! This is quite a feat, since I previously thought I was missing several pages of pictures.

Not only am I relieved to have found them all, and be that much closer to finishing my scrapbook, but I also came across several wonderful photos that I've forgotten about, which I really love. Of those, is this one, of my friend Kasia. Kasia is from Poland and we met at the University in Germany one day, when she just up and asked me a question about something. I answered and we started talking. By the end of the conversation we exchanged numbers and hung out from time to time. She spoke broken German, and I spoke pretty fluently, so we were able to talk well enough. Though there were times when we had difficulties understanding eachother, we got along really well and both of us nearly cried when we said goodbye. This picture was taken in town when we met up for a few hours one day after Fabian and I got back from Mallorca. If I remember right, it was the day before I left for the United States.

Finding this picture fits into my week, as I've found myself missing all my old friends and realizing how many people I have been blessed to meet and know over the past four and a half years since high school, and how many people I have lost contact with, even though we always swear we'll keep in touch.

So here's to you, Kasia (pronounced Kasha by the way), and everyone else who I've lost contact with: I wish you well..wherever you are.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The news of today is that... I GOT A HAIRCUT!! WOOT!
Okay, so at about 3:15 today, I decided that I desperately need to do something with my hair. It was dull, grown out, and boring. So, Kim and I went online, searched through an online yellow pages for salons in the next town over from us, and found Richard's Hair Salon. All reviews written were great, so I decided to give it a chance.
When I called the place, they told me they could fit me in right away if I could come. After getting the okay from my boss to go, we headed into town and searched for the place. We got a little lost, but were able to find it in the end. I had told them that I have no idea what I want to do with my hair, and I got an appointment with the owner of the salon.
Right away Richard took charge and asked what I wanted, then gave me some great ideas. He went ahead and cut it...and this is what turned out!
Once the haircut was over, I got my eyebrows waxed from a woman at the day spa portion of the salon. She told me my eyebrows grow weird and that I need to get a facial to fix my face, because there are a lot of things wrong with it. Um...okay. She isn't native to America, and though her English was good, what she said came out wrong - but it was still a bit of a downer after my hair cut.
After we were done there, Kim and I decided to go to this Chinese buffet in the same town that we had been meaning to go to for a while. I was excited to go, and when we walked in all seemed okay. The workers didn't talk much, and it was really quiet in there, but that was okay. We got our food right away, and when we bit into it we were...disappointed. After trying several different dishes, and bypassing the brown bananas in strawberry sauce, we came to the conclusion that it was the worst chinese food we've ever eaten. Also a bit dissapointing after a good salon experience.
Hey, at least my hair looks better :)

Monday, October 08, 2007


The weather down here has been in the upper 80's and 90's every single day since I got here and it is almost always sunny. If it isn't sunny, it's cloudy and going to rain - which means that it's really really humid and even more unbearable than a sunny day. The leaves here don't change colors and fall from the trees...they just fall from the trees.

On the bright side, I'm tanner than tan. I love my internship, but I miss fall in the north and would LOVE to have weather cool enough to wear jeans all day long. I forgot how annoying constantly beautiful weather can be, and have learned that I am a northern girl, through and through.

I do really like my internship though! :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here I Am

It's been quite a while since I've come here and updated my blog. Things here are going great and we've been really busy, hence my lack of posts. My days now are busy for 8+ hours each day, 7 days a week. The cats all need to be watered, medicated, and cleaned, plus there are horses and cows to butcher, cats to be fed on certain days, and all sorts of maintanance activities that need to be completed. These are the all of the things that fill my day.

Today has been a different day, however. After going out to eat last night and laughing with my roommate, I started to get a sore throat. Not thinking much of it, I went to bed. When I woke up this morning to work, my throat still hurt and there were little round red bumps in my throat where your tonsils are (mine were removed 10 years ago). I managed through some morning chores until 10 am, then came to nap in my room. Today was a lighter day, and although there was still work to be done, the director told me to just rest and take it easy. So I've been sitting in my room all day today, napping, reading, drinking fluids, and trying to get better. I do actually feel quite a bit better than earlier, as now I have the energy to sit up at my computer for awhile. Instinct tells me that I'll be a new woman by tomorrow! :) Or at least a healthy woman.

I hope everyone elses days are going well.

Friday, September 14, 2007





Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am WOMAN - hear me ROAR!

Guess what I did yesterday?!?

I caught a spider, under a glass, put some paper on the top to hold him in, and let him loose outside! I didn't freak out at all during the entire thing, except a tiny bit at the end when he headed straight back for the house and I went running for the door screaming "No! Go in the other direction you creepy spider! Stay outside!" and then slammed the door shut.

Some of you may say, "Big deal - who hasn't done that? It's just a spider!" Let me just remind you that a mere two weeks ago, I wouldn't have ever done that. I would have let someone else deal with it or would have killed it, with a big production.


Monday, September 10, 2007


Today I posted my first thing on Craigslist ever!

And someone is already interested!

What did I post? My old laptop. Go here to read my posting.

Hopefully, the person interested will buy it for my asking price! :)

Friday, September 07, 2007

My Morning

The other intern and my day so far:

8 AM - Wake up, wish I could go back to sleep, get dressed, brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth.

8:10 AM - Get instructions from director on how to clean inside enclosures for our two cats Tabby (tiger) and Rosco (cougar).

8:11 AM - Go to work cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting, and drying both enclosures.

8:45 AM - Shut and lock both enclosures. Go make sure all 54 cats on the grounds have fresh water while the other intern gives AM medicine.

9:06 AM - Go back to Vet Center, see that director is back with the hawk that someone said flew into their window that the director went and picked up. Go inside and look for a few minutes, drink half a coffee mug of OJ.

9:20 AM - Director gives us keys to unlock the outdoor enclosures of both Tabby and Rosco. Tells us how to clean them, then leaves to take the hawk to the vet hospital in town.

9:30 AM - Go get the gator (type of vehicle we drive to carry things).

9:35 AM - Realize I forgot to get rakes and shovels. Go back to get rakes and shovels.

9:40 AM - Grab a drink of OJ, and some Fig Newtons so I don't collapse from lack of energy. Go help other intern clean, scrub, disinfect, outdoor exhibits.

10:40 AM - Finish cleaning both enclosures. Let cats back outside. Go inside and put everything away that was taken out to clean.

10:45 AM - Sit down to breakfast, finally.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Spider Attack!

After my first few days of obsessive "oh-my-gosh-there-are-giant-spiders-here" mood, I realized that most of the spiders can't hurt you and the ones that can probably won't hurt me as long as I am careful of them. Since then I have been very proud of myself and my ability to cope with the bugs I hate worst of all in the whole world. I have even been able to look at the giant spiders you see everywhere outside in awe and to really appreciate them for their beauty, and I have really meant it.

Now, it seems as if to test my new found resolve to not abhor spiders completely, we have found two spiders in my room, two nights in a row. Last night, there was a good size one sitting under my dresser. I got my fellow intern, who killed it for me (she hates them too, but is more willing to get rid of them than I am). Later I checked my bed really well, under my bed really well and came to the happy conclusion that I am spider-free and settled into my bed for the night. Now tonight, off to bed I go, and I find another spider - this time much larger (about the size of my palm), sitting by my door. This time we caught it in a glass (well, the other intern did), and brought it outside.

The funny thing is that both spiders sat calmy, without moving within the same 6 square inch section of my room, two nights in a row, and were headed in the same direction. Maybe my room is part of an elaborate spider escape route for spiders who feel repressed by human beings and they're on their way to freedom. Or maybe it's a route taken by daredevil spiders who wish to try their luck with Rosco, the cougar, or Tabby, the tiger - whose cages both come indoors to the room next to mine. They could have this entire spider circus back there, and dodging the giant paws/claws/teeth of the two cats is their main event! Or maybe there's a little spider hang out under my dresser, where all the cool spider dudes go to hang out after a hard day's work on the web. Or maybe this is just a test, to see how well I actually am with the spiders and other giant bugs down here.

Well, if this is a test, you creepy spiders, let it be known that I shall pass with flying colors!!!! And, if you all just happen to be passing through my room on your way to another place, then could you please just try to pass through faster, so I don't have to SEE you right before I go to sleep? Pretty please? Oh, and for those of you who are running the spider hang-out under my dresser...consider this your eviction notice!

Stupid T-Mobile

Over the last year, I have been a not-so-happy customer of T-Mobile for my cell phone service. Before I went to Germany I had them, and the service was great. This time wasn't as good though. Whenever I would call someone from my phone, there usually was a connection problem. The phone would ring, they would answer it but no one would be there. On my end it would say "connected" but there wouldn't be a phone ringing or someone answering it. And of course, this used up my minutes quite quickly, especially since it was happening 2-3 times per call I would make.

For this issue and others I called into their service center between 3-5 times from February to August. My contract was up August 28, and fed up with their service, I decided I want nothing to do with them anymore. During each and every call to the service center I let them know that after my contract was up, my service needed to be canceled because I'm done with the company. Every single time the service agent tried to get me to get a new 2-year contract. Every time I told them no, that as of 8-28-2007, I'm done with T-Mobile for good.

So what do they do after my cell phone plan is up? Put me under "month-to-month!" Those people tried to get me to pay another month without my realizing it. It's a good thing I decided to double check this morning and make sure my phone is shut off. When I went to use it though - it worked! I promptly called (from a different phone) their service center, told them to cancel it and that I'm not paying even the few days service since it was their mistake not mine, and now am officially done with them.

Seriously...why can't people just be honest in this world and not try to con you out of more money?

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yesterday I finally did something productive! Or at least more productive than I've been overall. From about 7:30 am until 5 pm we spent the day cleaning animal pens. It was hard work, but really not so bad with three or four people doing it together and keeping each other company.

After we were done cleaning we hit the pool and had barbecue for dinner. The other new intern for the fall showed up as well yesterday, and she's nice. Unfortunately another worker thought it'd be funny to throw me in the pool fully clothed, but didn't realize my cell phone was in my pocket. So as of right now, my phone is out of commission. We're letting it dry, and hoping that once it does it'll still work. Other wise the guy who did it said he'd get me a new one, but it'll be later in the week before that happens.

That's about it for the news. Today is a slow day with not too much going on, so I get to relax a little. Since we're cleaning all the pens again tomorrow, I'll take a day of relaxation.

Friday, August 31, 2007

My Arch Enemy - NABISCO!

Yes, that's right. I officially have an arch nemesis. What is it? Anything made by Nabisco.

You see, one of the volunteers here in Texas works for Nabisco. And since they get free product every week, he shares it with us here in the Vet Center (name of the building I live in).

So it sits there on the counter and/or in the cupboard staring at me. I stare back and think of the fruit I have to eat in the fridge/bedroom/cupboard that is sooooo much healthier for me. I'm about to turn and grab the fruit, when the Nabisco products start talking to me...

"Mmmm..look how good and tasty I am! These chocolate chip cookies would taste so delicious dipped in some nice, cold milk! So good, they'd practically melt in your mouth. Or maybe you want something saltier? These crackers would taste delicious, especially paired with the easy cheese in the cupboard. You know you want some... everybody's been having some! Don't you want just a little nibble? I promise we won't hurt you..."

And on and on they go..until I just. can't. resist.

Nabisco is my worst enemy. Let it be known Nabisco snacks - you may win a battle here and there, but I will win the war!

p.s. don't worry - I promise I'm not crazy.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


... I survived last night - without a spider or a DREAM about spiders!!! I'm soo very proud of myself!

Okay, now all bug matters aside, things here are going well. My first day was a little shakey, cause I felt out of place and didn't know what to do. I made it to Wal-Mart for some needed supplies and did a bunch of other errands with the director. Then later that evening I met a guy in the air force down here who comes and helps out. He's nice and I watched him butcher cows - and admittedly turned down the offer of doing it myself. Maybe next time.

That was Monday, Tuesday I didn't do too much. Went with to water the cats once, went with to do medicine for the cats, and sat around a bunch. I felt bad and really lost most the day, but in the evening I had a talk with the director, who explained that she's been crazy with a million other things and also doesn't want to explain everything twice - once to me, and once when the other intern for the fall gets here. So, she's going to wait for a while to explain stuff and let me take it a little easier for now. Since that talk I've felt better.

Today I went with another woman who volunteers here, and did medications for the cats. Then later watered the cats - all by myself! Afterwards I helped the director and another volunteer clean pens, which is hard work in the 95+ degree weather and high humidity. Ate a very quick lunch during a brief break, then we finished cleaning pens for today and I had a 1.5 hour break while the director did errands. I ate some dinner and relaxed on the couch. Once she got back we fed meat to some of the cats, then I went and did water again for all the cats. Finally, at about 8 pm, my day was over and I hopped in the shower quick before going over to the director's place (she lives on site too with her 3 kids) for dinner that was made by yet a different volunteer. After dinner was over I headed back home, but stopped on the way to watch lightening in a storm a little ways off (it was georgous) and ended up chit-chatting with the volunteer who made dinner. Actually, he ended up doing the talking, and I just nodded a bunch.

So there you have my first few days! Exciting isn't it? Work here happens around the clock. The director doesn't take a minute to do anything for herself, not even eat food, and I'm amazed that she has the stamina to do that day after day after day. I can do things for people and work hard, but I also have to have time for me. Especially food - if I don't eat regularly I feel miserable, so I always make time to eat something. She doesn't even stop for that! There are no set work hours, just whenever things need to get done.

All the volunteers and everyone who comes around here are super nice, and definitely like a big family. Sometimes that's a little frightening...and it's likely there will come times when it gets to be too much, but it's also nice to feel accepted. The cats here are phenomonal. They are happy, healthy, loving, amazing, beautiful.... just awesome. I'm working on all their names still and we're still working on getting to know each other (them me, and me them) but it's going good. None of them seem to hate me at least. :)

That's about all for tonight. I could go on and on about the georgous African lions, the tiger who loves water sprayed into her/his? mouth, and how cool it is to sleep in the room next to cats...but this post is already long and those things are best left to another day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yep, the spiders are still big.

Just thought I'd let you all in on that little detail. I do okay with the bugs during the day...but I'm creeped out by the thought that they could bite me in my sleep. Which is why I dreamed about spiders all night last night and slept horribly.

On the bright side, I do know this is just mental. There are only 2 poisonious spiders here, and both prefer to stay in their webs and will only bite if disturbed. Although you could die from their bites, it is very rare that people do. As long as I'm careful, there is no reason why I should ever be bitten by one - and it's possible I'll never even see one while I'm in Texas. And even if I do get bite by one - it's not like it'll kill me.

But honestly - just the thought of them creeps me out. It's not that I'm afraid to die...spiders are just creepy; especially the poisonous kind. I felt I was doing better this evening, until I thought I saw a spider in the house (I saw something move, but it blended in well with the carpet when it didn't move) while watching a movie. I went to find something to kill it with, came back and it was gone. Now I'm creeped out by it. I'm exhausted, but don't want to go to bed...because it's creepy.

Once again, I realize it's all mental...people have lived with spiders for how long? Obviously, they still survive and still choose to live in places with these nasty creatures. Surely I can do this for three and a half months. It's amazing how even though I know it's all a mental thing..it still bothers me. I'm sure I'll adjust with time. I'm just paranoid because I'm not used to all the bugs and spiders here. Maybe when I go to sleep tonight I'll put on music to take my mind off of it.

Oh, and if anyone has any advice to share - please feel free to share!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Today I Learned

Things I learned today during my first day at CARE:

1. I'm going to be working really really hard for the next three months.

2. The director has three kids, who get to grow up living in a place with over 50 large cats. That's so incredibly cool, but they act like it's no big deal.

3. Life around this place can get pretty crazy and pretty busy. The director started to tell me that everyday isn't as crazy as today was, but stopped mid-sentence and corrected herself by saying, "Oh wait, yes it is."

4. It's hot in Texas (okay okay, I knew that already).

5. They have really really really big bugs - big spiders (HUGE!), big grasshoppers, big crickets...

6. They have not nice bugs - red ants, fire ants, yellow jackets, brown recluse spiders, black widows, rattlers...

7. The thing I thought I would not like the most - the bugs - is so far what I don't like the most. I don't mind bugs as much as other people, but they're so big here and they're everywhere! Hopefully, I'll get more used to them.

8. I get to sleep right next door to a tiger and a cougar!

9. There are tigers that you see when you look out my bedroom window!

10. There are cute deer who live here at the cat place- and they are super cute, and super friendly.

That is just a spattering of what I learned today on my first day. Everyone here is like a family, the kids accepted me right away, the director is super nice, and so far so is everyone else I met today. The cats are all very happy and very healthy, something that is attributed to their style of holistic feeding. This means they cut a whole cow/horse/etc up and feed the parts to the cats. From what I can tell so far, I would say they must be doing something right - these animals are so happy! :)

Well, that's all from me tonight. I need to go dry my hair still, and curl into my bed while trying not to think about the big bugs here in Texas.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Texas: Three Days Later

It's been about three days since we arrived in Texas, and it's been quite a fun time! On Friday we headed off to the Dallas Zoo, where our admission was free! Knowing that zoos will often give discounts on admission to zookeepers from other zoos, I went up to the membership window and told them that I was a zookeeper and was wondering if they had any discounts for zookeepers. The woman asked me how many were with me, I said three total- and she gave us free admission! The zoo itself was nice, though their restaurant choices left a little to be desired. After the zoo, we went back to the hotel to relax a bit, then later headed downtown, where we saw this georgous fountain!

On Saturday we headed to Heritage Village, which is supposed to be a great living history village from the late 1800s. The picture at the left is a portion of the village, known as main street. Being as I love living history places, I was all excited to go. Unfortunately, when we got there, we learned that there are only actors present during certain months of the year - not including Auugust. We did still go through the village and the museum aspect of it was interesting, but over all a bit disappointing considering I expected living history. Afterwards we went to the West End District of downtown, where we saw the 6th Floor Museum in the Book Depository, where the sniper who shot JFK was perched on that fateful day back in the 1960's. There was a lot of info about JFK's life, the day of the murder, and the investigations afterwards, but not much talk of the conspiracies - surprise surprise. We saw the window where Lee Harvey Oswald stood to shoot JFK exactly how it looked the day it happened. Once done downtown, we headed to a new hotel in Fort Worth, Texas; our last one had been horribly disappointing. Once settled into our new hotel, we went to Mexican Inn, where we ordered authentic and delicious Mexican food, bought hand-blown glass cups imported from Mexico, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

On Sunday, today, we went to the Stockyard Exchange, in Fort Worth. While there we saw a cattle drive, a gun fight reenactment (there we are in a picture with the outlaws of the fight at left), cowboy/indian actors, and lots of shops. Afterwards we came back to the hotel to enjoy a relaxing afternoon. A vacation from our vacation, as it were. :)

Tomorrow we head off to CARE, where I will be living and interning for the next 3.5 months! I'm nervous, excited, anxious, and happy all at the same time. I loved our vacation, but I'm ready to get settled into my new home and I can't wait to meet everyone there! I'll let you all know how it goes! To the left is a picture of my sister, mom and me in Colombia!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


We have officially arrived in Texas. It's hot here.

We left home in Minnesota on Wednesday a few minutes after five in the morning, the car loaded down with all of my things. After a quick stop at McDonalds, we were on our way south, excited at the trip before us. After skirting around the Bridge Collapse area, we hopped on I-35 south and headed for Iowa, then Missouri.

Once in Missouri we turned and went east, until we reached Columbia, where a friend of mine from Germany is studying as an exchange student for this academic year! We hadn't seen eachother since July of 2006, but when we saw each other again, it felt like no time had passed at all. Immediately we began chit chatting in German, as I led her out to the car to meet my mom and sister (who are accompying me on this trip). Once they were introduced, we did switch and start speaking English, and we chit chatted about culture shock and various other topics throughout a stroll in downtown Colombia and dinner at a Texas Steakhouse. After dinner we stopped by Staples to use up a gift card my mom had recieved from her work for Christmas, and then dropped off my mom and sister back at the hotel. Silvia and I grabbed the car, headed to the mall, and wandered around, talking again in German. I was so happy to be able to see her again and speak German, and she was ecstatic to have someone there she knew (she just arrived in Columbia recently) and to be able to speak German with someone as well. Eventually I dropped her off at her dorm and headed back to our hotel room for a short night's rest, before getting up again at five-thirty AM (sleeping in from yesterday though) for another long drive.

Today we drove back through Missouri to Kansas, then Oklahoma, before finally getting to Dallas. After about 12 hours in the car, we reached our hotel here (where they have wireless internet - woo hoo!), and are relaxing after a hard-days drive. Tomorrow we head off to the zoo, then other sight seeing on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday we head off to my internship at CARE - and I'm super excited!

If anyone is interested, the CARE website has recently been updated (and it looks wonderful!) and you can view it at www.bigcatcare.org. If you click on Programs at the left, you'll find a link to the internships. Eventually I imagine my picture will be up under the fall 2007 internship area towards the bottom, and there are pictures of where I'll be staying, as well as an explanation of what some of my duties will be! CARE does a lot of research with National Geogrpahic, and there is a special called Prehistoric Predators: Wolf, that will be aired on the National Geographic channel on August 25th, at 8 pm (I think). The last 20 minutes contains the research and taping done at CARE, and some of the spring/summer internships are featured.

I'll update again in a few days most likely! I hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Tomorrow is the big day!

Texas, here I come!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

News Update

Several items of important news today:

1. My brother complained last night about how his wisdom tooth is growing. I commented how mine will sometimes grow in for awhile, then stop growing. I woke up today, to one of my wisdom teeth growing in again - and the pain has just gotten worse all day. That's just my luck. ;)

2. I finally did two things I needed to get done today - sorted & organized my scrapping paper/supplies, and found pictures that I still need for my Germany scrap book (yep, still working on it). You see, the pages for the book are done, the pictures just have to be developed and put on the pages in their spots. I have several pages that need pictures from snapfish.com, which I have put into my shopping cart and just need to be ordered as soon as I am in Texas and have my right address to send them to. But I have 10 more pages that cannot be completed, because I am missing pictures. Most of those pictures should all be on the same CD or even in the same folder...but when I took all my pictures from my lap top to CDs, I think I lost a CD or some of them didn't get transferred properly. Which means that I may never be able to finish my book completely - which is really sad. I need to go through any other CDs I can find (if there are more CDs, they are hiding from me - I just moved and can't remember finding more CDs anywhere). Hopefully they are there some where... :'(

3. I don't work at any other job except the one in Texas anymore!!! We leave on the 22nd! :)

4. Even though there are some pictures missing from my scrap book, I'm proud of myself for sitting down, and finally doing something I've been putting off for weeks. It'll feel so good when my scrap book is finally done - or at least done as much as it can be. Once I'm in Texas, my next goal is to sort through my Chahinkapa Zoo pictures, and print those off to start working on that book. I have all the paper, letters, extras, and book that I need for it...all that's left is the photos to be developed and chosen.

That's all from my news tonight. Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Here I am at Chahinkapa zoo, carrying our boa constrictor Tess (whose a he, not a she). He isn't full grown yet, but he is absolutely gorgeous, isn't he? His scales are softer than most would think, and there's just something awesome about working with such a powerful snake. You can also catch me in my normal zoo garb - cut off shorts, old t-shirt, and a bottle of mace tied to my belt loop (usually it's on a belt, but I had forgotten my belt that day). The mace is grizzly bear strength, an dis there on the off chance I get attacked by any of our animals. This day we had given snake talks, so I got to hold Tess several times... one of the perks about my job! Err..my old job... :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

WE Fest

Well, I've survived my first few days of WE Fest..and I'll probably survive my third, and final, day too! I spend my days inside a ticket booth, dealing with customers through a window lined with chicken wire. It's a good thing too..most people are so drunk, they just smell horrid! So far I have seen people passed out, been bribed with $50.00 to give someone an over-21-wristband (of course I didn't take it), been flirted with to get cheaper ticketes (didn't work), been sworn at, been called strict (this with a laugh from them, becaus I quiz everyone on their IDs -we've had plenty of fake ones come through), and all in all been thoroughly amused by how incredibly stupid people are when they spend a weekend drinking nonstop.

How has your weekend been?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Goodbye College Life, Hello Real Life

So much has happened since I last wrote on here, I apologize for my lack of updating. The two most important things that have happened are that I no longer work at the zoo or at Pepsi. This past Sunday was my last day at the zoo. I wasn't as sad as I expected to be, but I was pretty depressed for a couple hours in the middle of the day. I lost my watch though, unfortunately. :'( My last day at Pepsi was on Tuesday - and that was a great feeling. Pepsi is the job I hated more than any other job I've ever had. I can't stand working with crabby customers all day long.. it just wore on me. But I've never had so many friends and coworkers that I get along with, as I did at Pepsi - which was a great feeling. I left there with a page and a half of e-mail addresses from people to keep in touch. I was told I'd be missed...it's nice to be missed by coworkers.

Yesterday I spent my day with friends, today I spent it getting my affairs in order. There's only the electric company and a loan company I have to call now, then my affairs are financially in order. Which is scary - it always is when you figure out bills. But I'm sure it'll all work out; it always does. This evening I have to go run a bunch of errands, then pack, pick up my bridesmaid dress and drop it off at home, then go to DL, which is a town nearby that is hosting a country music festival this weekend. I'll be working there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then I'll be home a few days before heading home to work with my mom/be in my friends wedding. Then it'll be back to Fargo for a day before moving out the rest of the way, and going home. I'll work with mom a few more days, visit family..then it'll be OFF TO TEXAS!

I'm super excited about finally leaving my college hometown of Fargo - and with it the "college life." I'll be doing an unpaid internship, so life won't be completely "real world" yet...but it's my first big step in the direction of adulthood... although I supposed I'm already an adult. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, excited... and ready to embark on my adventure. My mom, sister, and I will be driving down together, but once they leave it'll be just me. My family will be further away then ever before. Even when I was in Germany, I had Fabian there with me - and he is my family. Here in the states, the rest of my family are 3 hours away. In Texas, the rest of my family will be 2 days away. And Fabian is still in Germany. I think Texas will be a time for me to grow and expand, to learn a lot, to further my career, and to excel...

Goodbye College Life...

Hello Real Life!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WE Fest?

I did it. I applied to work at WE Fest. Specifically I applied to work in admissions or as a greeter or checker. A greeter/checker would be the people you see first directing people and checking their items for things they are not allowed to bring into the festival. A co-worker at Pepsi told me about working there, and I decided it'd be a good experience, since I have the time available. And not to mention the chance to make money (and see country singers for free!) ! :) I won't be camping there if I do get hired - too loud for me. I don't know anyone else who is working there (unless my co-worker decides to work there) and I don't know anyone who would want to... but maybe I'll make friends?

Either way at least it might be a chance to make some money... and an interesting experience! We'll see if I get hired.

Friday, July 13, 2007

And it occurred to me

I sat down this morning to add a few items to my to-do list for this Friday the 13th, in a planner that I recently bought at Wal-Mart for a whole four dollars. After writing the ever important items down, I began to flip ahead a bit in the planner, just to look. As I was flipping through the blank pages which encompass the next 18 months or so of my life, I found myself beginning to realize that this planner is destined to witness a multitude of events and changes in my life that will ultimately usher me in to the full fledgled world of adulthood.

What in the world am I talking about? Well, I guess it just hit me, how much is going to change for me in the very near future. In just over a month I'll be leaving to live in Texas, to do an internship at C.A.R.E.; a large cat sanctuary in Bridgeton, Texas. For the first time in my life I will be traveling to a place I have never been to or seen with my own eyes (I've never even been to Texas, let alone Bridgeton). Once I get there I will be totally alone, for the first time ever. Fabian won't be there to help me out, my parents won't just be three hours away, and not one of my friends lives in Texas anywhere - the closest will be Tiffany in New Mexico.

After Texas I'll be moving on to a permanent job somewhere in the world... and as of right now I have no idea where. Most likely it'll be in a state relatively far from home, where I won't know anyone at all. Most likely I'll be traveling there alone, finding an apartment alone, finding the grocery stores alone, and getting completely settled...alone. I'll have to find a way to make friends, and to thrive in my new habitat...

When I'm in my new place I'll begin making it a home - my first more permanent home.

I'm super excited at all of these things... I can't wait to find out how they all happen and plan out! I can't wait for the challenge of moving out completely on my own in the spring and becoming a full fledged adult - even more so than I am now. I can't wait to go to Texas and I can't wait to start making a home for myself and eventually Fabian when the time comes...

So until then I will continue to page through my planner, wondering at all the changes that God surely has in store for me in the future. Wondering how they'll work out, where I'll end up and what life has in store for me. I'll continue to push my way through the everday life here in Fargo, where I work at a job that I no longer enjoy most days of the week. I'll relish life in my apartment for the last month I'll live there, and thoroughly enjoy my last seven days of work at the zoo! And I'll do my best to enjoy the excitement and build up of the next stage in my life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Things I Hate About the Library's Internet:

1. Having to wait in line for an internet station to open up.

2. Having to hear people talk to eachother.

3. Having to hear loud typers (I'm guilt of this too though).

4. Having to hear people talk extremely loudly on their cell phones.

5. Having a million things I want to do online when I'm at home and forgetting them all as soon as I am at the library.

At least I don't have to pay for internet.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Only 14 days of work at pepsi left..then I'm done!

Not that I'm happy about that.

I'm still having wrist problems, though they are getting better. Still filing for workman's comp and going to physical therapy...

typing still hurts.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

News from my world

Hey guys. I still didn't fall off the face of the earth. I'll blog more regularly in the fall when I have internet again. I have wrist problems now, due to Pepsi (typing too much). It's not carpal tunnel, but sprains..I'm working on getting it fixed, but for now computer use is painful.. so you especially won't hear much from me.

I wish everyone a good summer and happy fourth.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm still alive. I'm still working. I'm still trying to figure out insurance (I think I'm going with Blue Cross Blue Shield).

And that's about it. Sorry life isn't more exciting.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Health insurance sucks. This is my decision.

I am currently doing the unthinkable - I am without health insurance. But I am in the process of finding good health insurance. And what I've found so far, sucks.

I can get cheap cheap chea plans - for under 100 dollars even - but there's a catch. The deductibles are high - like 5000 dollars high. I don't have 5000 dollars to pay before they would help me out with anything. I don't even have 200 dollars for that matter. This would look like a better option, if I didn't already know that I need to go to the doctor. I have a sty coming in on my inside lower eyelid. This is my second time with one in the last few months and like last time, I'll have to go get it removed. I was on my dad's insurance before, so they covered it all..but I'd hate to see what that bill costs when my deductible is $5000.. especially since I have to go in twice - once to check it, and then once to remove it. Bah humbug. I don't have that sort of money.

I did find some better seeming plans. There is one from Blue Cross Blue Shield for a cheaper deductible. I found one with a $150 deductible...but then the premium is over $200 each month. I don't have over $200 to pay each month. In the fall I'm not going to make ANY money. Bah humbug.

I guess I'll probably end up taking one somewhere in the middle. There was another one by BCBS that didn't seem so bad. On Friday I'm going to have to make some phone calls about possible plans.

Health insurance sucks.

In other news, I saw Pirates of the Carribean tonight...the third one. Good Good Good movie. The first one is still better, but the 3rd was a HUGE improvement over the second one. I was disappointed at the end, and I admit I cried. BUT the after scene (after the credits) made me a bit happier.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm Still Living

Well, everyone, I'm still alive and kicking. Life has been relatively monotonous lately. If you want to live like me, just do the following:

Get up. Eat. Go to work. Eat. Come home from work. Eat. Do nothing. Sleep. Repeat.

It's not all bad though. This past weekend I went home for a few days to celebrate my step-dad's 50th birthday by helping ot throw a surprise party for him on Saturday. It went very well, and he was happy with it. On Sunday I headed over to my real dad's house to celebrate his birthday and father's day, since I can't afford to go home a second time this month. That went well too. Afterwards I drove back home, through some bad storms - but I survived.

This week, there isn't anything on my agenda except working. I cleaned my apartment last night, so that's done. I got some more movies from the library and some books on cougars, boa constrictors, and parrots. I figured it's time I start reading up on animals I work with.

That's about it from my corner of the world. It finally is hot here in Fargo, and the sun is supposed to shine more often than not this entire week - there's hope that our flood levels will go down yet!

Have a great week!

Friday, June 01, 2007


Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Working a lot is difficult, but I'm determined to save money and pay off my credit card as much as I can before the summer is up.... And I'm currently working on ways to earn more money.. I'll fill you all in as soon as everythign pans out for sure.

I wanted to wish everyone a great weekend! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today, I'm smarter!

Today I did things a little bit smarter. Since I'm at the library again, I decided to update my blog as one of the first things I do, so that I make sure I have plenty of time.

As I was saying yesterday, things are going alright. I work a lot, which after 4 days (and 42.5 hours of work) is finally catching up to me. I'm thankful for it though because it makes up for the time I had off with Fabian, and also it keeps my mind off of being alone at home. It's a lot easier not to be sad at home for 4-5 hours instead of an entire day.

As far as grades go for my last semester at college I earned all A's, except for 2 B's. My total cumulative GPA for college is 3.51! :) I just made it to "honors" officially, even though I didn't technically graduate with honors. That's okay. I know I did it, and I'm proud of myself. I got a B in Cell Bio and Invertebrate Zoology... which makes me happy since I thought I might get C's in both at the beginning of the semester.

I finished reading Harry Potter 5 in German, and have moved on to Harry Potter 6. I'm extremely interested and curious what happens... I'm also playing the Sims 2 now, something I treated myself to buying when Fabian was here. I'm not quite as into it as some people are, but it is really interesting and I'm happy I bought it.

And that's really about it in my life right now. I have a TV at my new apartment, and I get 3 channels in, all of which are pretty blurry and hard to see. I'm working on getting the internet at my new apartment as well, but that will take a couple weeks longer still.

I wish everyone a happy memorial day weekend. I'm not sure when I'll be back - I likely won't come to the library on Friday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reality - it sucks.

hey guys. I am currently at my new connection point for the internet..the public library. Since I only get 60 minutes of computer time here per day, and I only have 6 of those minutes left to write this post, I'm going to try really fast to get you caught up on my life...so here goes:

Duluth was magnificent. Fabian and I stayed at a nice Bed and Breakfast (he paid), which was built in 1909 and it was beautiful. The owner was extremely nice, made us delicious breakfast, gave us wine, and we even got the ENTIRE place to ourselves one night... seriously, the owner wasn't even there. Lake Superior was, as always, gorgeous and we visited some great restaurants and the Glensheen mansion (go visit it if you can, it's worht it!).

We got home on Saturday night. Fabian left Sunday evening. Since then, life hasn't been the same... and I have to admit I'm pretty unhappy (as is he). We're both just staying busy and plugging away at life...It helps to know that we have one less good bye to go through before he comes forever...

I'm working a lot. This week, I work 64-65 hours in 6 days... so I'm pretty busy. It's nice to go home at night, and not to have to do homework.... all I'm missing is Fabian.

Anyways, I better go, I have 1 minute left. Hope this little update helps, I'll try to update again soon.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, life in the last 2.5 weeks has been great. Fabian has been here, I haven't had to work, I graduated college, things are really great.

Then I found out that I bounced a couple of checks. We're human, it happens. The stupid part is that I got charged 215 dollars in overage charges by the bank. Stupid bank. I called them up and got them to remove several of the various fees, but I still have to pay about 85.00 dollars in charges, even though I only went about $15.00 in the negative.

Seriously - anything that CAN go wrong this year DOES go wrong.

Today we're heading up to Duluth. I'm going to go deposit money in my bank account, then not touch that money until next week. Then we're going to Duluth and I'm going to just enjoy the last few days with my fiance.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I'm GRADUATING today!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

* Dances *

No more teachers, no more looks! No more janitors' dirty looks!


I'm DONE with college FOR.EV.ER.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo!!!!!!

I got a 78% on my test I took this afternoon, which should give me a C in Cell Biology.

I got a 94% on the test I took this afternoon online, which gives me an A in Anthropology.

I don't know what I got on my final from Monday or this morning though.

I took THREE exams today - but now I AM DONE!!!!! I never have to study..again!

Can't tell I'm excited, can you!?

Last Day - Ever

So the day has finally arrived. Today is my last day of college - ever.

I should be way more excited than I am! I have three more finals to take. I take one at eight this morning, one at one this afternoon and one... whenever I want (its online). I don't actually know if I'll get to the online one this afternoon or not. I need to take the notes for that class still (because they help w/the test), which will take a few hours. I can probably get it done today if I'm diligent though.

College has loomed over me all semester - and for four years straight. I was always studying, procrastinating studying, or enjoying a summer before going back to study. My life, it seems, has revolved around studying. After today, I don't have to study any more.

What am I going to do?

Actually, I think I'll adjust well to my new found adult-life without studying. :) Especially since soon I start working 60 hours a week!

And really, I should be studying right now. But I've figured out that if I get a 50% on my test this morning, the worst I can do in that class is a B. And if I get 44% on my test this afternoon, the worst I can get is C. And my third test is online, so as long as I take the notes and double check my answers, I'll get an A (or a high B at worst). It's just so hard to care anymore. Actually I care a lot, since in both classes I could make an A and a B (respectively) if I just do well enough. But the tests are both difficult, so I don't want to get my hopes up either....

But it doesn't really matter what I get in the end, as long as I pass. These are definitely my least stressful finales ever. And after today, I'm not a college student anymore.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Finally Normal

Hey everyone. I just thought I'd update real quick to let you know that my fiance did arrive this past Saturday. He looked great in the suit he wore and I was told I looked good in the dress I wore. No, we didn't take any pictures - in all the excitement it was completely forgotten.

Things are well between us and it's nice to finally be together after such a long time. If I don't update much in the next few weeks, it's because I'm too busy enjoying my time with him. :)

So until next time, have a good week!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

En Route

Fabian is officially sitting on an airplane right now, somewhere over Europe or the Atlantic ocean.

Unfortunately he arrives on a later flight than originally planned, so he'll get here at 7:40 pm.

That's 12 hours and 40 minutes away.

I'm so anxious. I just want the day to be over. But first I have to give a speech, then listen to four more hours of speeches... then I have to wait still like half of the day. Good thing I have cleaning to keep me busy, at least for a little while. And some friends are coming over, so that'll help.

I keep telling myself that by the end of the day, he'll be here. And it just doesn't seem real to me.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Update on my Bummed-ness

So, after a busy day, I must say that things might just turn out perfect after all. Or at least as perfect as real life can get.

I skipped my two classes today (gasp) in order to do everything, but I accomplished it pretty well.

My apartment is 80% clean. And not just picked up the mess, clean - like scrubbed clean. I have more to do tomorrow but should be able to get it done before he arrives.

I found something to wear. Actually - I found 5 somethings to wear. I went ahead and bought all of them because I couldn't decide what would be best. So my plan is to ask my friends who are coming over tomorrow to help me get ready. What I don't wear I'm bringing back to the store. Well, all except for one shirt which was on clearance, so I can't bring it back. But it's a shirt I've been wanting since December, so it's okay to keep.

I got all my homework done, so I don't have to even think about it until Monday sometime.

I did practice my speech, though not as much as originally planned. Still, with some review of my sources in the morning and one more run through before I give my speech, I will be ready to give a good speech in the morning.

While I still have my period, it is at least getting lighter.

I feel healthier!! I took some tylenol this morning, as long as some vitamins and that perked me right up. Plus I ate lots of fruits and veggies today - lots meaning more than usual.

So, things should be good. I've already woken Fabian up and he should be on his way to the airport right now as we speak with a friend of his who agreed to drive him there. He's got a long day of traveling ahead of him, but the next time I talk to him should be at the airport when I pick him up on Saturday!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!


I had everything planned out to be perfect for tomorrow (he comes tomorrow - yay!). My apartment was going to be spotless. Not only spotless - but really clean. All the little things, like dusting, that I usually don't do, I was giong to do and it was going to look great. I was going to find the perfect outfit and look great. A friend was going to help me pick out my outfit, and two friends from beauty school are coming over saturday to do my hair and make up. I was going to get time to practice my speech for Saturday morning and know it like the back of my hand. I was going to have my cell bio homework done ahead of time. It was all going to be perfect.

Except it isn't at all. I don't have time to clean my apartment to be spotless, like I wanted to. I will just barely have time to get it picked up and mopped. Despite going shopping with a friend last night and then on my own for a total of nearly four hours, I didn't find the perfect outfit. All I wanted was a simple black or brown skirt with a nice shirt. But apparantly no one in the world wears just a simple brown or black skirt. Everyone wears pants or those bermuda short things. Yuck. When I finally did find the perfect dress, no one had my size. Then I found a good second, but when I went to pay it was $60.00! It was on a clearance rack so I thought it'd be at least 40. And 40 isn't bad at all for a nice dress I would use over and over again. But $60, when I can't really afford a new outfit anyways, is a little much. I have no time to practice my speech as much as I should before I give it tomorrow morning and it will be a rush this morning to get my cell bio homework done in time. Oh, and to top it all off, the other night I hurt my neck muscles at an event for graduating seniors, so lifting my head or laying it down is nearly impossible. And I have a slight headache and am starting to feel a bit under the weather.

Everything was going to be so perfect. I want it to be perfect. I want to look great, have a clean place, have my homework done, give a great speech Saturday morning, be HEALTHY, not have my period (which I do), and just be able to relax and enjoy tomorrow. But I don't have time to get it all done.

I know I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, because that really doesn't help a person feel better or accomplish anything, and I will. Just right now I'm sad that nothing is going according to plan. My friends are coming over still to help me get ready, so that will help. This afternoon I'm going to go to one last store and see if I can't find something great to wear there. I'll practice my speech this morning/afternoon/tonight and tomorrow before I give it. I'll get my homework done. My period will get lighter, I'll take some vitamins and eat lots of fruit and hopefully will NOT get sick, and if I have ANY time left over I'll clean my apartment as good and fast as I can.

It'll be okay. Besides, I need to remember that the rest of everything doesn't matter: what really matters is that he's coming and we'll be together again.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


As my faithful readers (which means KC and Tami for sure) know, I am currently in an anthropology seminar course which I need to graduate. The purpose of the course was to conduct an original research project in the area of folklore and write up a paper by the end of the course.

Being from a very strong science background, I was very apprehensive this entire semester about this course. I wasn't sure what folklore was, even after we had talked about it a bunch of times and I wasn't sure if my project on my family would count as folklore even. But, because I needed this class I just kept plugging away and working hard on my project.

On April 10 we turned our rough drafts in. I had worked really hard on mine, so that I wouldn't have to redo it a lot when I got it back. For two weeks everyone in the class proofread and critiqued each others' papers. Last night we got to listen to everybody's opinions on the their work and find out what we can change. After being an half hour late to class and hearing the proffessor say that a few were really good but several needed a lot of work still, I was scared out of my mind. I was sure that mine sucked and that as my proffessor had told me earlier in the semester, I had "missed the folklore boat." I was thankful when my name got picked to be the first to get her paper critiqued and I held my breath, waiting for what I was sure was about to come...

Except it didn't. Not even a little. I was told that I had a great paper, that it made perfect sense. That everyone had originally been apprehensive about my topic and wasn't sure if it was really folklore, but once they read my project they completely understood what folklore was and why my topic was important. I was shocked. One girl said she had even read the paper to her mom and her mom had understood it too. I was told I could make a few minor changes to make the paper better, but that was it.

This semester has been really hard for me. Between financial difficulties, missing my fiance, working a lot, and having 21 credits I thought I was never going to make it through to the end. I went into this semester hoping for all A's except for in two classes and wanting to come out on top. Then when the semester got hard, all I wanted to do was pass. Now as the semester comes to an end I find myself just wanting to be done with it all. But it was so nice last night to get congratulated on doing a very good job.

And my grades are turning out not so bad. Here are the expected outcomes:

Animal Physiology - B
Cellular Biology - B or C (most likely a C; that class kicked my butt this semester)
Invertebrate Zoology - A or B (depends on how he curves)
Senior Seminar - who knows. Hopefully an A or a B.
Anthropology Seminar - A
Anthropology online course - A

So... overall not bad at all, all things considered. And I found out that my broken camera is being sent back to me as we speak, which is faster than expected. I should get it back by early next week, if not the end of this week still. I found my other camera battery the other day, which has been missing for months. I get to go to a senior day event at the Fargodome tonight before work: it's a party for seniors with free stuff, basically. I am treating myself to getting my hair done tomorrow. Tonight is my last day of work until May 21st (I get a much needed vacation). I have my last cell bio quiz ever today too. Saturday I give my senior seminar speech and saturday evening I get to see Fabian again, which is the best part about this all.

Things are finally looking up. It's about time.

Monday, April 23, 2007

5.5 Days

In 5.5 days Fabian finally gets here! I'm sooooooo excited.

I've been thinking about all I have to do this week and when to get it all done. I figured I'd get all my homework stuff done by about Wednesday, then on Thursday would spend the day making myself beautiful (going to the hair school for my friend to make me pretty), cleaning house top to bottom, getting a big chunk of my final draft for a paper finished, and practising the speech I'm giving on Saturday morning.

Then I was reminded today that I also have to do homework for Cell Bio, which will take at least 2 hours probably to do AND read another scholarly journal article and summerize it for Thursday.

Sigh. Just when I think things are finally perfect - I remember something else to do.

So here's my weeks schedule:

Monday: Turn in Animal Physiology Paper (DONE!), Talk to instructor about speech (DONE!), Work 2-9 pm, go to international group, finish critiqueing one more paper for Anthropology.

Tuesday: Finish critiquing papers for anthropology and get copies made, study for cell bio quiz on Wednesday, start cell bio homework, practice speech.

Wednesday: Study for cell bio quiz, take cell bio quiz, work on cell bio homework, maybe start cleaning apartment, practice speech, work from 5 - 9 pm (last shift for AT LEAST 2 weeks).

Thursday: Read article/write summary, print out summary and turn in, finish cell bio homework, clean-clean-clean, go get hair done, start final draft of anthro paper. Figure out what in the world to wear to pick Fabian up.

Friday: practice speech, clean, go to Seminar speech presentations from 3 pm to 9 pm.

Saturday: Give speech and watch presentations for senior seminar from 8:00 am to about 2 pm. Go home and finish cleaning. Get beautiful. Resist urge to look at watch over and over again to see if I can go to the airport... Go to the airport and relax because I'm back with my fiance which means that everything in the world is good.

Sunday - May 20.... get through the stress of the end of school, celebrate graduation, rejoice at not having to work most of the time, and enjoy the time with my fiance.

I'm SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I have a busy week, but I think I can get through it okay. As long as I don't let evil aunty flo ruin my good mood (she did that already all morning), I'll be okay.

Friday, April 20, 2007

whine moan complain

i had the cysts in my eye finally removed. other than the part where i thought i was g oing to pass out briefly it wasn't so bad. except now the novacaine has worn off and my eye hurts and feels not normal.

whine whine whine.

i have a thing to write before three today... bah. it's hard to do anything because it all involves using my eyes and my vision is blurry.

moan complain crab.

okay, i'm done now. i'm happy those things are gone, i just want my eye to not hurt any more or be really blurry.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sometimes it just hits a girl!

Wow.. do you all realize that soon I'll be done with college?


Most times lately, I'm just stressed out/tired/unhappy/annoyed at everything going wrong in life lately with my money or lack thereof and I'm too busy to remember that soon Fabian will be here and college will be finsihed...

But this morning it sort of hit me. Fabian gets here in a little over a week, and college will be over soon. I'll be a graduate and will never have to open another textbook if I don't want to.


Unfortunately there's still lots to do both before Fabian gets here and I graduate. The goals for today are:

1. Finish my zoology seminar speech and slides.
2. Study for my invertebrate test tomorrow.
3. Maybe go to German group meeting (we all eat dinner and talk in german). Whether I go or not depends on how the zoo seminar/studying goes.
4. Go to prayer hour at 7:30 for the victims of Virginia Tech.
5. Go to candlight vigil at 8:30 on campus for the victims of Virginia Tech.
6. Afterwards either hang out with friends or come home and study....

There you have it! :) I already have the first 4 slides down, so I'm proud of my morning so far.

Wow... I'm so excited to be starting the next chapter in my life soon.

(to friends and family: sorry if you're tired of hearing about me graduating soon..I just can't contain my excitement sometimes).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When It Rains...

It pours.

I have to get my camera fixed. I spent over 300 dollars on it in September of 2005. Within 6 months the lens cover, which turns on the camera, broke - making it impossible to turn the camera on. I got it fixed under warranty and it cost me nothing.

But now, it broke again. Stupid camera. The problem is, I really like my camera. So I'm getting it repaired. Except I have to send it to Laredo, Texas and it will take 7-10 business days to repair, once they get it. Which means that I won't have it right away when Fabian comes here. Sad. But I will have it shortly after he gets here, which is good.

The reason why I HAVE to get it repaired is that I NEED to take pictures when Fabian is here. We have to have proof that we are really together for the future when we start visa stuff. So I'm getting it fixed.

I don't mind really, it's just sad cause I'm tired of things breaking. When it rains, it pours. :'(

I'll get it fixed this once, but if it happens again in the future I will probably just buy a new camera. I like my camera, but it's not that nice.

Monday, April 16, 2007

No Drive

Well, I'm finally at the point where I can work on my last big project for the semester: my zoo seminar speech. Once that is done, all I have are little quizes, tests, paper revisions and homework assignments to keep up with it - and then finals week. That may seem like a lot, but it really isn't.

Except, here's the problem:

I have no desire to do homework anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't feel like working on my seminar project. My brain doesn't process the information all that well. I know I need to - I just don't want to.

So I think I'm going to go revise some papers that need revising and eat my lunch. I feel bad for wasting time this morning not working on things... I just have no energy for homework anymore.

I keep reminding myself that I have several hours tomorrow morning and evening to work on things, four hours on wednesday, and the entire day on thursday. What I don't get done before thursday will be done on Thursday. Once I get the last 5 sources read, then I can write the speech and make the power point slides. I should easily be able to get it done by thursday evening. Then on saturday after work my group and I can get the slides put together.

I just got soooo used to having so much to do and not enough time to do it in, that I feel like I'm horrible for not doing it this morning too - but I actually have plenty of time to get it done, so there's no need to feel bad. It's weird, not having so much stress.

Friday, April 13, 2007


It is currently 4:19 in the morning. And I am awake. Why? Oh, because I didn't get my animal physiology paper done today as well as I had planned (my own fault) and needed a few more hours to get it done. My brain shuts down at about 11 o'clock at night and it did the same last night as I was trying to finish my paper. The paper is due on Friday (today) at noon, so I would thoeretically have a few hours later today to finish it, however I was afraid it'd take longer and I wouldn't have left myself enough time. So I decided to set my alarm for 3 in the morning, and headed off to bed.

Well, my idea to get up in the middle of the night to finish it was a good one, except that thoughts of my paper wouldn't let me sleep. I kept dreaming of neuropeptides and other things from my paper. Finally at about 2 am I just got up to finish it.

And now it's two hours later and I'm done. While I'll be tired tomorrow, I feel better knowing that I just need to get up and proofread it before class really quickly. It may not be the best, but it's done, at least! No more papers for college! Well, one really little one but that'll be less than a page long, I'm sure. So it doesn't count.

Back in high school I used to go to bed around 11, then get up early to finish any projects that needed to be done still, if I procrastinated so much (which happened decently often). This is the first time in college I've had to do that and I forgot how well my body works like that when it needs to. huh.

Well, I'm off to bed for three hours of sleep, about. After class tomorrow I can come home and nap if I want to though. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

In one month...

I GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to share.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have a test this morning. Ug.

I have been working hard the last few days on my animal physiology paper. I found most of my sources, have been reading my sources and actually understanding them. I have a basic outline for my paper written up and was working last night to find my last sources when I came across another article that I was previously unaware of, which has covered my exact same topic, pretty much. Grrr.. So I e-mailed my professor last night to explain the situation to him and to see if I could still keep my same topic. After all, I've done a lot of work, I had no idea there was another article out there on it, and I haven't read (nor do I plan to) the article in question. Not even to check my facts. This morning I get an e-mail back asking me to go talk to him in his office. Ug. I hope and pray that either he will let me do the same topic still or that God will grant me the insight/understanding to quickly come up with a second topic, find the sources, understand the sources, and write up the paper.

I also need to find and read the rest of my sources for my zoo seminar class, as my detailed outline is due tomorrow and I have only read the first page of one of my ten sources. Ug.

And I have to pay for 10 more copies of my 23 page research paper which is due today in Anthropology Seminar. Ug.

And it's windy and cold and is supposed to snow - on APRIL 10!!!! When is spring coming? Ug.

AND I get to have invertebrate lab today, which sucks. It really is just a waste of my time.

Apparantly I've reverted to cave man dialect, because "ug" just suites the day. With all I have to do, I'm going to be up late tonight, I do believe. Ug.

On the bright side - in less than one month I will take my last final of my l ife!!!!!!! Ug ug ug ug ug ug... (that's caveman for "YAY!")

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pet Peeve of the Day

I love the check spelling as you go function of Microsoft Word and other processing programs. With just a glance over my document, I can see exactly how many spelling mistakes I have and can fix them with just a few clicks of a button. Technology is really amazing sometimes.

What I don't love is that as soon as I switch my typing into "science" talk, the number of red squiggly lines triples because my computer can't spell scientific words like "synthase" or "malonyl-CoA" or "Cerulenin." For those of you interested, synthase is an enzyme that makes a molecule that your body needs; malonyl-CoA is what fatty acid synthase (something that puts fatty acids - fat - together) uses to make fat; Cerulenin is a molecule that can stop fatty acid synthase from making fat.

Sigh. So this means that everytime I type a new scientific word I have to tell my computer to add it to the dictionary. When you're reading very heavy scientific research articles about the inhibition of feeding by two molecules (Cerulenin and another one called C75) and it's implications in weight loss - nearly every other word seems like a new scientific term that my computer doesn't know.

Do you know what's really scary about all this? I can sort through these research articles and am starting to actually understand them more and more without so much thinking. At least the $30,000 I have paid/will pay back (loans) for college has paid off.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Are you sure it's not Sunday?

For some reason, I can't get it out of my head that today is Sunday. In reality, today is Saturday - three weeks until my fiance comes. :) But I feel like it's Sunday....

My mom, step-dad and I went to see Blue Man Group last night and it was awesome! It was held right across the street from where I live, so we got to walk and skip all of the waiting for a parking space and paying for parking, which was great. They performed several things that I've seen before, between their music and their antics.. but they had some new stuff I hadn't seen either. (I went and saw them in Berlin in August of 2005). My parents loved it and I'm glad they got to come with me.

Today we went to Savers, then Red Lobster (yum - cheddar bay biscuits; I haven't had them in over two years), then the Airplane Museum up here. After that we came back to my apartment and they got their stuff and left. That was about 2 pm and since then I've been doing homework. I have a lot due this week, so I just keep plugging away. I figured out a better topic and got several sources for my Zoo Seminar project already, narrowed down my topic and got several sources for my Animal Physiology paper, and took notes from one power point presentation for my anthropology online class from a total of 5 that I need still to take the test. All in all I've been productive.

This evening I need to work more on animal physiology, zoology seminar and study for my invertebrate test. I'm going to try my best to do all that, because I really need to get it done. It's starting to get hard to focus on things so much though, because my brain has been overloaded by it all.

For now I'm off to the store to buy some groceries that I need to bring my item for the work potluck tomorrow, on Easter. Yep, that's right - I get to work on Easter. Do you know, I don't think I've been home for Easter since I started college in Fall of 2003. Huh. Have a great day everyone, I hope you're doing less homework than me!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust!

I just completed my anthropology seminar research paper! :)

I'm excited, because this means that all I have left is:

1. Animal Physiology 8-10 page research paper.
2. Zoology Seminar Proffessional Presentation - a detailed outline is due Wednesday (gasp).
3. Catch up on Anthropology online course and take test.
4. Take Invertebrate Zoology test.
5. Write short Invertebrate Zoology paper.
6. Take finals (four).

It may seem like a lot but I'm getting there!!!!! And well, I have a few more things to do to my anthropology seminar paper, but the majority of it is done and the rest won't take long!

To top it all off I get to go to Blue Man Group tonight and my fiance comes in less than three weeks. It may only last for a few moments, but right now I feel like I can actually accomplish this all and that life is good.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Acne Update: Day 10

Well, back on the 24th of March I told you about a new acne plan I was going on. In case you've forgotten, here's my before picture:

Now, 10 days later, I submit to you - my after picture. Ignore the big eyed look, my eyes are bugging me a bit today (tired of computers and strain from homework), and focus on the rest of my face. I have a couple of pimples on my forehead, but overall I'd say there's been much improvement!

Thats 1 point for my acne regimen and 0 points for the acne!

Just When I Think...

Just when I think that I've got everything under control, am accomplishing everything on time and will complete my semester okay my teachers decide they need to change things up on me! Do they not know how much I have going on?

So now I need to get my paper for anthropology written by April 5 at 3:30, then I need to catch up on my online anthropology so I can take the test next week, write an 8 - 10 page research paper on nutrition for animal physiology by next Friday, turn in research articles I will use for a project in Invertebrate Zoology on Thursday and turn in a detailed outline of my zoology senior seminar project... I haven't even started the last three. The Invert and Zoo Seminar projects were supposed to start next week, after my animal physiology paper... grrrr....

I so had it all planned, and now they had to mess it up! :(

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