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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yep, the spiders are still big.

Just thought I'd let you all in on that little detail. I do okay with the bugs during the day...but I'm creeped out by the thought that they could bite me in my sleep. Which is why I dreamed about spiders all night last night and slept horribly.

On the bright side, I do know this is just mental. There are only 2 poisonious spiders here, and both prefer to stay in their webs and will only bite if disturbed. Although you could die from their bites, it is very rare that people do. As long as I'm careful, there is no reason why I should ever be bitten by one - and it's possible I'll never even see one while I'm in Texas. And even if I do get bite by one - it's not like it'll kill me.

But honestly - just the thought of them creeps me out. It's not that I'm afraid to die...spiders are just creepy; especially the poisonous kind. I felt I was doing better this evening, until I thought I saw a spider in the house (I saw something move, but it blended in well with the carpet when it didn't move) while watching a movie. I went to find something to kill it with, came back and it was gone. Now I'm creeped out by it. I'm exhausted, but don't want to go to bed...because it's creepy.

Once again, I realize it's all mental...people have lived with spiders for how long? Obviously, they still survive and still choose to live in places with these nasty creatures. Surely I can do this for three and a half months. It's amazing how even though I know it's all a mental thing..it still bothers me. I'm sure I'll adjust with time. I'm just paranoid because I'm not used to all the bugs and spiders here. Maybe when I go to sleep tonight I'll put on music to take my mind off of it.

Oh, and if anyone has any advice to share - please feel free to share!

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