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Sunday, December 09, 2007

My Last Day

Today was my last day at CARE. It was a bit sad, fun, and QUITE COLD!

Friday the high got up to 84 degrees fahrenheit. Today (sunday) it is 32 degrees.

Um.... what's wrong with this picture?

And I apologize for the mistake on when Pearl Harbor was. It was actually 66 years ago. Apparantly I can't count. Who knew!?

Tomorrow I hop on a Greyhound bus bound for MN at 11 am, and will be driving (aka riding) along for 24 hours! I'm not quite sure how that's going to work, and whether I'll like it or hate it, but it should be interesting to say the least. I have two books to read (Armageddon and Glorius Appearing, in the Left Behind series), logic puzzles & sudoku to do, and a magazine to read; not to mention a bunch of snacks.... Theoretically, I should be set.

I'll update again once I reach MN!


Anonymous said...

Suzie and I are taking the bus to Texas in Jan. so you should let us know how it is.

Tami said...

How was the trip? I have taken MANY grayhound bustrips for youth group - once a 38 hours from MN to Roysna Mexico summer of '99 with NO A/C and an extra 25 people sitting anywhere they could find space because one of the buses broke down!! That was bad...your trip would be a breeze :)

Tami said...

Are you home yet? It has been well over 24 hours - making sure the bus didn't break down or have an accident!