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Friday, November 02, 2007


So, my fiance and I decided to challenge each other. We both agreed to do something towards getting healthier or else the loser will have to do the dishes and laundry the entire time I'm visiting Germany.

Anyways, my end of the bargain is that I have to workout 4 times per week. Last night, I found these great work out videos on fitnessmagazine.com (they have so many free videos, it'll make your head spin) and a "15 Minute Boot Camp" video on diet.com.

Tonight I did 10 minutes of the boot camp video (all I could muster before I felt like I was going to pass out!) and nearly all of the fitnessmagazine.com "Home" workout (cut back on the reps in some of them, because I was sooo tired from "boot camp"). Anyways...apparantly cleaning up large cat feces and butchering several hundred pound cows and horses doesn't mean you're in good shape. Because I'm B.E.A.T.

And it feels so good.

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