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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Goodbye College Life, Hello Real Life

So much has happened since I last wrote on here, I apologize for my lack of updating. The two most important things that have happened are that I no longer work at the zoo or at Pepsi. This past Sunday was my last day at the zoo. I wasn't as sad as I expected to be, but I was pretty depressed for a couple hours in the middle of the day. I lost my watch though, unfortunately. :'( My last day at Pepsi was on Tuesday - and that was a great feeling. Pepsi is the job I hated more than any other job I've ever had. I can't stand working with crabby customers all day long.. it just wore on me. But I've never had so many friends and coworkers that I get along with, as I did at Pepsi - which was a great feeling. I left there with a page and a half of e-mail addresses from people to keep in touch. I was told I'd be missed...it's nice to be missed by coworkers.

Yesterday I spent my day with friends, today I spent it getting my affairs in order. There's only the electric company and a loan company I have to call now, then my affairs are financially in order. Which is scary - it always is when you figure out bills. But I'm sure it'll all work out; it always does. This evening I have to go run a bunch of errands, then pack, pick up my bridesmaid dress and drop it off at home, then go to DL, which is a town nearby that is hosting a country music festival this weekend. I'll be working there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then I'll be home a few days before heading home to work with my mom/be in my friends wedding. Then it'll be back to Fargo for a day before moving out the rest of the way, and going home. I'll work with mom a few more days, visit family..then it'll be OFF TO TEXAS!

I'm super excited about finally leaving my college hometown of Fargo - and with it the "college life." I'll be doing an unpaid internship, so life won't be completely "real world" yet...but it's my first big step in the direction of adulthood... although I supposed I'm already an adult. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, excited... and ready to embark on my adventure. My mom, sister, and I will be driving down together, but once they leave it'll be just me. My family will be further away then ever before. Even when I was in Germany, I had Fabian there with me - and he is my family. Here in the states, the rest of my family are 3 hours away. In Texas, the rest of my family will be 2 days away. And Fabian is still in Germany. I think Texas will be a time for me to grow and expand, to learn a lot, to further my career, and to excel...

Goodbye College Life...

Hello Real Life!

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