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Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yesterday I finally did something productive! Or at least more productive than I've been overall. From about 7:30 am until 5 pm we spent the day cleaning animal pens. It was hard work, but really not so bad with three or four people doing it together and keeping each other company.

After we were done cleaning we hit the pool and had barbecue for dinner. The other new intern for the fall showed up as well yesterday, and she's nice. Unfortunately another worker thought it'd be funny to throw me in the pool fully clothed, but didn't realize my cell phone was in my pocket. So as of right now, my phone is out of commission. We're letting it dry, and hoping that once it does it'll still work. Other wise the guy who did it said he'd get me a new one, but it'll be later in the week before that happens.

That's about it for the news. Today is a slow day with not too much going on, so I get to relax a little. Since we're cleaning all the pens again tomorrow, I'll take a day of relaxation.

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