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Thursday, November 01, 2007


It's official: I'm going to Germany January 25 through February 17.

I bought my tickets yesterday for a reasonable price, and can't wait to go back to Europe! I haven't been there since August 2006, when I left after my year abroad and am anxious to go back for a visit.

Of course, I'm going to visit my fiance, and am super excited to see him too, as I haven't seen him since May 2007 when he was here for my college graduation.

It's a bit sad as well, because after this about 3 week visit, we won't see eachother again until early 2009, when he comes here to stay permanently. After this trip we really won't be able to afford seeing eachother again, what with lawyer and visa fees nearing at least $1000 in August/September 2009. There are also fees we'll have to pay once he gets his visa, and for his plane ticket and our wedding. Money will be in short supply! I'm also going to be starting a full time job in my career and don't expect to get time off for at least 6 months to a year or longer. All these things combined will make it impossible for us to be able to see eachother again until he comes for good.

But on the bright side, I do get to see him in January and this will be the last time I have to go through the heart wrenching goodbye thing again! And...we'll also finally be able to start planning our life together better!!! So, while it's sad on the one hand, it's also exciting too. :)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, sounds like fun!! :) I hope you two have a good time, and though sad not to see eachother for months at a time, at least the end is in sight! Have a great time - send me a postcard.

Mindy said...

Thanks Tami!