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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old Friends

A few hours of my evening tonight was spent going through my scrapbook from Germany and finding ALL (yes all!) of the pictures I'm missing! This is quite a feat, since I previously thought I was missing several pages of pictures.

Not only am I relieved to have found them all, and be that much closer to finishing my scrapbook, but I also came across several wonderful photos that I've forgotten about, which I really love. Of those, is this one, of my friend Kasia. Kasia is from Poland and we met at the University in Germany one day, when she just up and asked me a question about something. I answered and we started talking. By the end of the conversation we exchanged numbers and hung out from time to time. She spoke broken German, and I spoke pretty fluently, so we were able to talk well enough. Though there were times when we had difficulties understanding eachother, we got along really well and both of us nearly cried when we said goodbye. This picture was taken in town when we met up for a few hours one day after Fabian and I got back from Mallorca. If I remember right, it was the day before I left for the United States.

Finding this picture fits into my week, as I've found myself missing all my old friends and realizing how many people I have been blessed to meet and know over the past four and a half years since high school, and how many people I have lost contact with, even though we always swear we'll keep in touch.

So here's to you, Kasia (pronounced Kasha by the way), and everyone else who I've lost contact with: I wish you well..wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

I promise to never loose contact with you if I have to hunt you down for your address each time you move! Did you get my new one? The picture on it was of Eli at Canal Park in Duluth next to the big anchor.

Mindy said...

tami - got the new address, it's super duper cute! :)