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Friday, April 13, 2007


It is currently 4:19 in the morning. And I am awake. Why? Oh, because I didn't get my animal physiology paper done today as well as I had planned (my own fault) and needed a few more hours to get it done. My brain shuts down at about 11 o'clock at night and it did the same last night as I was trying to finish my paper. The paper is due on Friday (today) at noon, so I would thoeretically have a few hours later today to finish it, however I was afraid it'd take longer and I wouldn't have left myself enough time. So I decided to set my alarm for 3 in the morning, and headed off to bed.

Well, my idea to get up in the middle of the night to finish it was a good one, except that thoughts of my paper wouldn't let me sleep. I kept dreaming of neuropeptides and other things from my paper. Finally at about 2 am I just got up to finish it.

And now it's two hours later and I'm done. While I'll be tired tomorrow, I feel better knowing that I just need to get up and proofread it before class really quickly. It may not be the best, but it's done, at least! No more papers for college! Well, one really little one but that'll be less than a page long, I'm sure. So it doesn't count.

Back in high school I used to go to bed around 11, then get up early to finish any projects that needed to be done still, if I procrastinated so much (which happened decently often). This is the first time in college I've had to do that and I forgot how well my body works like that when it needs to. huh.

Well, I'm off to bed for three hours of sleep, about. After class tomorrow I can come home and nap if I want to though. :)

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