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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have a test this morning. Ug.

I have been working hard the last few days on my animal physiology paper. I found most of my sources, have been reading my sources and actually understanding them. I have a basic outline for my paper written up and was working last night to find my last sources when I came across another article that I was previously unaware of, which has covered my exact same topic, pretty much. Grrr.. So I e-mailed my professor last night to explain the situation to him and to see if I could still keep my same topic. After all, I've done a lot of work, I had no idea there was another article out there on it, and I haven't read (nor do I plan to) the article in question. Not even to check my facts. This morning I get an e-mail back asking me to go talk to him in his office. Ug. I hope and pray that either he will let me do the same topic still or that God will grant me the insight/understanding to quickly come up with a second topic, find the sources, understand the sources, and write up the paper.

I also need to find and read the rest of my sources for my zoo seminar class, as my detailed outline is due tomorrow and I have only read the first page of one of my ten sources. Ug.

And I have to pay for 10 more copies of my 23 page research paper which is due today in Anthropology Seminar. Ug.

And it's windy and cold and is supposed to snow - on APRIL 10!!!! When is spring coming? Ug.

AND I get to have invertebrate lab today, which sucks. It really is just a waste of my time.

Apparantly I've reverted to cave man dialect, because "ug" just suites the day. With all I have to do, I'm going to be up late tonight, I do believe. Ug.

On the bright side - in less than one month I will take my last final of my l ife!!!!!!! Ug ug ug ug ug ug... (that's caveman for "YAY!")

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