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Monday, August 27, 2007

Today I Learned

Things I learned today during my first day at CARE:

1. I'm going to be working really really hard for the next three months.

2. The director has three kids, who get to grow up living in a place with over 50 large cats. That's so incredibly cool, but they act like it's no big deal.

3. Life around this place can get pretty crazy and pretty busy. The director started to tell me that everyday isn't as crazy as today was, but stopped mid-sentence and corrected herself by saying, "Oh wait, yes it is."

4. It's hot in Texas (okay okay, I knew that already).

5. They have really really really big bugs - big spiders (HUGE!), big grasshoppers, big crickets...

6. They have not nice bugs - red ants, fire ants, yellow jackets, brown recluse spiders, black widows, rattlers...

7. The thing I thought I would not like the most - the bugs - is so far what I don't like the most. I don't mind bugs as much as other people, but they're so big here and they're everywhere! Hopefully, I'll get more used to them.

8. I get to sleep right next door to a tiger and a cougar!

9. There are tigers that you see when you look out my bedroom window!

10. There are cute deer who live here at the cat place- and they are super cute, and super friendly.

That is just a spattering of what I learned today on my first day. Everyone here is like a family, the kids accepted me right away, the director is super nice, and so far so is everyone else I met today. The cats are all very happy and very healthy, something that is attributed to their style of holistic feeding. This means they cut a whole cow/horse/etc up and feed the parts to the cats. From what I can tell so far, I would say they must be doing something right - these animals are so happy! :)

Well, that's all from me tonight. I need to go dry my hair still, and curl into my bed while trying not to think about the big bugs here in Texas.

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