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Monday, September 03, 2007

Stupid T-Mobile

Over the last year, I have been a not-so-happy customer of T-Mobile for my cell phone service. Before I went to Germany I had them, and the service was great. This time wasn't as good though. Whenever I would call someone from my phone, there usually was a connection problem. The phone would ring, they would answer it but no one would be there. On my end it would say "connected" but there wouldn't be a phone ringing or someone answering it. And of course, this used up my minutes quite quickly, especially since it was happening 2-3 times per call I would make.

For this issue and others I called into their service center between 3-5 times from February to August. My contract was up August 28, and fed up with their service, I decided I want nothing to do with them anymore. During each and every call to the service center I let them know that after my contract was up, my service needed to be canceled because I'm done with the company. Every single time the service agent tried to get me to get a new 2-year contract. Every time I told them no, that as of 8-28-2007, I'm done with T-Mobile for good.

So what do they do after my cell phone plan is up? Put me under "month-to-month!" Those people tried to get me to pay another month without my realizing it. It's a good thing I decided to double check this morning and make sure my phone is shut off. When I went to use it though - it worked! I promptly called (from a different phone) their service center, told them to cancel it and that I'm not paying even the few days service since it was their mistake not mine, and now am officially done with them.

Seriously...why can't people just be honest in this world and not try to con you out of more money?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't feel your pain as I have never owned a phone with a contract (brad did for me...) But currently we own a pay-as-you go T-mobil phone. I like it a lot because you only have one up front cost for the phone and then buy minutes as needed. Plus they have this perk that after buying 100 minutes you become a "gold member" and get 15% extra minutes each time you buy no matter which amount. I don't know if you have another phone, but it would be something to look into.