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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pet Peeve of the Day

I love the check spelling as you go function of Microsoft Word and other processing programs. With just a glance over my document, I can see exactly how many spelling mistakes I have and can fix them with just a few clicks of a button. Technology is really amazing sometimes.

What I don't love is that as soon as I switch my typing into "science" talk, the number of red squiggly lines triples because my computer can't spell scientific words like "synthase" or "malonyl-CoA" or "Cerulenin." For those of you interested, synthase is an enzyme that makes a molecule that your body needs; malonyl-CoA is what fatty acid synthase (something that puts fatty acids - fat - together) uses to make fat; Cerulenin is a molecule that can stop fatty acid synthase from making fat.

Sigh. So this means that everytime I type a new scientific word I have to tell my computer to add it to the dictionary. When you're reading very heavy scientific research articles about the inhibition of feeding by two molecules (Cerulenin and another one called C75) and it's implications in weight loss - nearly every other word seems like a new scientific term that my computer doesn't know.

Do you know what's really scary about all this? I can sort through these research articles and am starting to actually understand them more and more without so much thinking. At least the $30,000 I have paid/will pay back (loans) for college has paid off.


Anonymous said...

Spell check doesn't know engineering words either. It makes writing lab reports really frustrating

Mindy said...

yeah, i thought of you as i was typing this and figured that you probably have problems too. ah, well.