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Friday, April 27, 2007

Update on my Bummed-ness

So, after a busy day, I must say that things might just turn out perfect after all. Or at least as perfect as real life can get.

I skipped my two classes today (gasp) in order to do everything, but I accomplished it pretty well.

My apartment is 80% clean. And not just picked up the mess, clean - like scrubbed clean. I have more to do tomorrow but should be able to get it done before he arrives.

I found something to wear. Actually - I found 5 somethings to wear. I went ahead and bought all of them because I couldn't decide what would be best. So my plan is to ask my friends who are coming over tomorrow to help me get ready. What I don't wear I'm bringing back to the store. Well, all except for one shirt which was on clearance, so I can't bring it back. But it's a shirt I've been wanting since December, so it's okay to keep.

I got all my homework done, so I don't have to even think about it until Monday sometime.

I did practice my speech, though not as much as originally planned. Still, with some review of my sources in the morning and one more run through before I give my speech, I will be ready to give a good speech in the morning.

While I still have my period, it is at least getting lighter.

I feel healthier!! I took some tylenol this morning, as long as some vitamins and that perked me right up. Plus I ate lots of fruits and veggies today - lots meaning more than usual.

So, things should be good. I've already woken Fabian up and he should be on his way to the airport right now as we speak with a friend of his who agreed to drive him there. He's got a long day of traveling ahead of him, but the next time I talk to him should be at the airport when I pick him up on Saturday!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!

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