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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Are you sure it's not Sunday?

For some reason, I can't get it out of my head that today is Sunday. In reality, today is Saturday - three weeks until my fiance comes. :) But I feel like it's Sunday....

My mom, step-dad and I went to see Blue Man Group last night and it was awesome! It was held right across the street from where I live, so we got to walk and skip all of the waiting for a parking space and paying for parking, which was great. They performed several things that I've seen before, between their music and their antics.. but they had some new stuff I hadn't seen either. (I went and saw them in Berlin in August of 2005). My parents loved it and I'm glad they got to come with me.

Today we went to Savers, then Red Lobster (yum - cheddar bay biscuits; I haven't had them in over two years), then the Airplane Museum up here. After that we came back to my apartment and they got their stuff and left. That was about 2 pm and since then I've been doing homework. I have a lot due this week, so I just keep plugging away. I figured out a better topic and got several sources for my Zoo Seminar project already, narrowed down my topic and got several sources for my Animal Physiology paper, and took notes from one power point presentation for my anthropology online class from a total of 5 that I need still to take the test. All in all I've been productive.

This evening I need to work more on animal physiology, zoology seminar and study for my invertebrate test. I'm going to try my best to do all that, because I really need to get it done. It's starting to get hard to focus on things so much though, because my brain has been overloaded by it all.

For now I'm off to the store to buy some groceries that I need to bring my item for the work potluck tomorrow, on Easter. Yep, that's right - I get to work on Easter. Do you know, I don't think I've been home for Easter since I started college in Fall of 2003. Huh. Have a great day everyone, I hope you're doing less homework than me!

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