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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Real World

In just over a month I will be leaving CARE and finally entering the real world. No more college, no more internships..just me and a job. I hope.

Tonight I finished my resume, cover letter and application package for a job at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago that I'm applying for. It's made me remember how much WORK it is to do application packages (seriously, they want to know EVERYTHING about you), and how much I hate doing them. I am traveling to Germany in January still, but I decided to apply for jobs that are interesting right now anyways. Maybe no place will hire me since I'll need time off..but then again maybe some place will be willing to work with me. Worst case scenario, no where is interested and I keep my major job search for when I'm back, as planned. But at least I won't wonder in the future, "What if I had applied for that stellar job?"

In any case..wish me luck!

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