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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Last Day - Ever

So the day has finally arrived. Today is my last day of college - ever.

I should be way more excited than I am! I have three more finals to take. I take one at eight this morning, one at one this afternoon and one... whenever I want (its online). I don't actually know if I'll get to the online one this afternoon or not. I need to take the notes for that class still (because they help w/the test), which will take a few hours. I can probably get it done today if I'm diligent though.

College has loomed over me all semester - and for four years straight. I was always studying, procrastinating studying, or enjoying a summer before going back to study. My life, it seems, has revolved around studying. After today, I don't have to study any more.

What am I going to do?

Actually, I think I'll adjust well to my new found adult-life without studying. :) Especially since soon I start working 60 hours a week!

And really, I should be studying right now. But I've figured out that if I get a 50% on my test this morning, the worst I can do in that class is a B. And if I get 44% on my test this afternoon, the worst I can get is C. And my third test is online, so as long as I take the notes and double check my answers, I'll get an A (or a high B at worst). It's just so hard to care anymore. Actually I care a lot, since in both classes I could make an A and a B (respectively) if I just do well enough. But the tests are both difficult, so I don't want to get my hopes up either....

But it doesn't really matter what I get in the end, as long as I pass. These are definitely my least stressful finales ever. And after today, I'm not a college student anymore.

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