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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here I Am

It's been quite a while since I've come here and updated my blog. Things here are going great and we've been really busy, hence my lack of posts. My days now are busy for 8+ hours each day, 7 days a week. The cats all need to be watered, medicated, and cleaned, plus there are horses and cows to butcher, cats to be fed on certain days, and all sorts of maintanance activities that need to be completed. These are the all of the things that fill my day.

Today has been a different day, however. After going out to eat last night and laughing with my roommate, I started to get a sore throat. Not thinking much of it, I went to bed. When I woke up this morning to work, my throat still hurt and there were little round red bumps in my throat where your tonsils are (mine were removed 10 years ago). I managed through some morning chores until 10 am, then came to nap in my room. Today was a lighter day, and although there was still work to be done, the director told me to just rest and take it easy. So I've been sitting in my room all day today, napping, reading, drinking fluids, and trying to get better. I do actually feel quite a bit better than earlier, as now I have the energy to sit up at my computer for awhile. Instinct tells me that I'll be a new woman by tomorrow! :) Or at least a healthy woman.

I hope everyone elses days are going well.

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