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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reality - it sucks.

hey guys. I am currently at my new connection point for the internet..the public library. Since I only get 60 minutes of computer time here per day, and I only have 6 of those minutes left to write this post, I'm going to try really fast to get you caught up on my life...so here goes:

Duluth was magnificent. Fabian and I stayed at a nice Bed and Breakfast (he paid), which was built in 1909 and it was beautiful. The owner was extremely nice, made us delicious breakfast, gave us wine, and we even got the ENTIRE place to ourselves one night... seriously, the owner wasn't even there. Lake Superior was, as always, gorgeous and we visited some great restaurants and the Glensheen mansion (go visit it if you can, it's worht it!).

We got home on Saturday night. Fabian left Sunday evening. Since then, life hasn't been the same... and I have to admit I'm pretty unhappy (as is he). We're both just staying busy and plugging away at life...It helps to know that we have one less good bye to go through before he comes forever...

I'm working a lot. This week, I work 64-65 hours in 6 days... so I'm pretty busy. It's nice to go home at night, and not to have to do homework.... all I'm missing is Fabian.

Anyways, I better go, I have 1 minute left. Hope this little update helps, I'll try to update again soon.

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