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Monday, April 16, 2007

No Drive

Well, I'm finally at the point where I can work on my last big project for the semester: my zoo seminar speech. Once that is done, all I have are little quizes, tests, paper revisions and homework assignments to keep up with it - and then finals week. That may seem like a lot, but it really isn't.

Except, here's the problem:

I have no desire to do homework anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't feel like working on my seminar project. My brain doesn't process the information all that well. I know I need to - I just don't want to.

So I think I'm going to go revise some papers that need revising and eat my lunch. I feel bad for wasting time this morning not working on things... I just have no energy for homework anymore.

I keep reminding myself that I have several hours tomorrow morning and evening to work on things, four hours on wednesday, and the entire day on thursday. What I don't get done before thursday will be done on Thursday. Once I get the last 5 sources read, then I can write the speech and make the power point slides. I should easily be able to get it done by thursday evening. Then on saturday after work my group and I can get the slides put together.

I just got soooo used to having so much to do and not enough time to do it in, that I feel like I'm horrible for not doing it this morning too - but I actually have plenty of time to get it done, so there's no need to feel bad. It's weird, not having so much stress.

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