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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


As my faithful readers (which means KC and Tami for sure) know, I am currently in an anthropology seminar course which I need to graduate. The purpose of the course was to conduct an original research project in the area of folklore and write up a paper by the end of the course.

Being from a very strong science background, I was very apprehensive this entire semester about this course. I wasn't sure what folklore was, even after we had talked about it a bunch of times and I wasn't sure if my project on my family would count as folklore even. But, because I needed this class I just kept plugging away and working hard on my project.

On April 10 we turned our rough drafts in. I had worked really hard on mine, so that I wouldn't have to redo it a lot when I got it back. For two weeks everyone in the class proofread and critiqued each others' papers. Last night we got to listen to everybody's opinions on the their work and find out what we can change. After being an half hour late to class and hearing the proffessor say that a few were really good but several needed a lot of work still, I was scared out of my mind. I was sure that mine sucked and that as my proffessor had told me earlier in the semester, I had "missed the folklore boat." I was thankful when my name got picked to be the first to get her paper critiqued and I held my breath, waiting for what I was sure was about to come...

Except it didn't. Not even a little. I was told that I had a great paper, that it made perfect sense. That everyone had originally been apprehensive about my topic and wasn't sure if it was really folklore, but once they read my project they completely understood what folklore was and why my topic was important. I was shocked. One girl said she had even read the paper to her mom and her mom had understood it too. I was told I could make a few minor changes to make the paper better, but that was it.

This semester has been really hard for me. Between financial difficulties, missing my fiance, working a lot, and having 21 credits I thought I was never going to make it through to the end. I went into this semester hoping for all A's except for in two classes and wanting to come out on top. Then when the semester got hard, all I wanted to do was pass. Now as the semester comes to an end I find myself just wanting to be done with it all. But it was so nice last night to get congratulated on doing a very good job.

And my grades are turning out not so bad. Here are the expected outcomes:

Animal Physiology - B
Cellular Biology - B or C (most likely a C; that class kicked my butt this semester)
Invertebrate Zoology - A or B (depends on how he curves)
Senior Seminar - who knows. Hopefully an A or a B.
Anthropology Seminar - A
Anthropology online course - A

So... overall not bad at all, all things considered. And I found out that my broken camera is being sent back to me as we speak, which is faster than expected. I should get it back by early next week, if not the end of this week still. I found my other camera battery the other day, which has been missing for months. I get to go to a senior day event at the Fargodome tonight before work: it's a party for seniors with free stuff, basically. I am treating myself to getting my hair done tomorrow. Tonight is my last day of work until May 21st (I get a much needed vacation). I have my last cell bio quiz ever today too. Saturday I give my senior seminar speech and saturday evening I get to see Fabian again, which is the best part about this all.

Things are finally looking up. It's about time.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are falling into place for you, which I am sure you are very happy about since you are down to 2 1/2 weeks of school? That is mind blowing! So how long is your future hubby sticking around? Anytime we could get together? Have you heard anything about your interships?

Gotta Run, Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Yay for your paper turning out! Just keep telling yourself you are almost done and then you will never have to care about grades or papers again.

Anonymous said...

i read your journal too! I'm glad things are starting to slow down for you.

Mindy said...

lol, suzie! thanks for reading guys! :)