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Saturday, August 04, 2007

WE Fest

Well, I've survived my first few days of WE Fest..and I'll probably survive my third, and final, day too! I spend my days inside a ticket booth, dealing with customers through a window lined with chicken wire. It's a good thing too..most people are so drunk, they just smell horrid! So far I have seen people passed out, been bribed with $50.00 to give someone an over-21-wristband (of course I didn't take it), been flirted with to get cheaper ticketes (didn't work), been sworn at, been called strict (this with a laugh from them, becaus I quiz everyone on their IDs -we've had plenty of fake ones come through), and all in all been thoroughly amused by how incredibly stupid people are when they spend a weekend drinking nonstop.

How has your weekend been?

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