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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just When I Think...

Just when I think that I've got everything under control, am accomplishing everything on time and will complete my semester okay my teachers decide they need to change things up on me! Do they not know how much I have going on?

So now I need to get my paper for anthropology written by April 5 at 3:30, then I need to catch up on my online anthropology so I can take the test next week, write an 8 - 10 page research paper on nutrition for animal physiology by next Friday, turn in research articles I will use for a project in Invertebrate Zoology on Thursday and turn in a detailed outline of my zoology senior seminar project... I haven't even started the last three. The Invert and Zoo Seminar projects were supposed to start next week, after my animal physiology paper... grrrr....

I so had it all planned, and now they had to mess it up! :(

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