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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WE Fest?

I did it. I applied to work at WE Fest. Specifically I applied to work in admissions or as a greeter or checker. A greeter/checker would be the people you see first directing people and checking their items for things they are not allowed to bring into the festival. A co-worker at Pepsi told me about working there, and I decided it'd be a good experience, since I have the time available. And not to mention the chance to make money (and see country singers for free!) ! :) I won't be camping there if I do get hired - too loud for me. I don't know anyone else who is working there (unless my co-worker decides to work there) and I don't know anyone who would want to... but maybe I'll make friends?

Either way at least it might be a chance to make some money... and an interesting experience! We'll see if I get hired.

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