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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Six Flags Over Texas

Yesterday was the day that the other intern and I finally went to Six Flags over Texas in Arlington, Texas for the day. We did our few morning chores before taking off, and got to the park at about noon.

The day was so much fun. We started by going on a pirate ship ride, which just swings back and forth in the air. Afterwards it was on to La Vibora (seen below), a bobsled type roller coaster. The cars you sit in aren't on a track, but rather move through the track freely, like a bobsled or alpine slide would.

Once that ride was accomplished, we went on to ride the log chute, grab some cheesy french fries, and then headed over to the Titan, one of the large coasters of the park. When we got to the line, a sign let us know we'd be waiting 1.5 hours to get on, but we gladly hopped in line to wait. Towards the end of our long wait, which actually went by quickly, we were so thirsty it wasn't even funny. Once we got on the ride though, all complaints about waiting forever or being thirsty flew out of our heads as we held on for dear life. The ride went so fast, that even though I tried to lift my hands into the air, I was unable to keep them there for long because they were forced back into my lap. My eyes began to tear and I laughed so hard. The Titan was definitely worth the wait! There's a picture below:

After the adreniline rush of Titan, we went over to a house, where we took a tour. The house is one of those that messes with your head and everything is wrong. Water flows uphill, balls roll uphill, you stand crooked not straight - all in all, just really weird. I do know the secrets of places like that, thanks to the lovely world of the internet - but I won't spill the beans here.

Now, after all this, we were still going strong with a lot of energy and enthusiasm and excitement. Kim had been talking about a ride she went on at a six flags once, where they got pulled high into the air, and then dropped. It was a bungee cord thing, so they went arcing through the air and she said it was so frightening but so exciting. She told me already on the way that she might have to do it if they have one, and I told her that she'd just have to go and I'd watch her from the ground! Well, as we turned a corner and found Six Flag Over Texas's version of it, "Divebomber", she got excited and decided she just HAD to go. And what did I decide? That I just HAD to go with!!! We had to pay some money to do it, $25 each which is really cheap. They hooked us into the harnesses and then we went up. We were lying with the our harnesses hooked together, lying on our stomachs, strapped to bungee cords and hanging in the air. When they picked us up from the ground, it caught me off guard and I screamed bloody murder. I laughed it off, and found the hanging in the air not so bad... until they lifted us up. I closed my eyes the entire way up, except when I opened my eyes two times. I held on to my one arm so tightly that I cut off all circulation and I just laid there, eyes closed, face white, going - "What did I do!?! Kim - What did I do?" Kim just laughed, told me about the great view, told me I'd be fine, and tried to console me..which wasn't working. Then I felt us stop at the top, and they said "3 - 2 - 1 - FLY!" and Kim asked if I was ready? I screamed at her to pull the cord... and suddenly she did! We were falling, our feet went a bit over our heads, and then we were swinging through the air. We reached the other side, then swung backwards, and I opened my eyes. On the first drop I had screamed so loudly, you could probably have heard me in Minnesota. After the first drop it was sooooo much fun, and I laughed a lot. Here's a pic of a dive bomber ride at a different six flags, to give you an idea of how high up it was (150 feet!):

I don't know if I'd ever do it again..but it was soooo much fun!

All of these things took our day up until about dusk. We still made it on Mr. Freeze, which was GREAT and another roller coaster which was complely inside a building in the dark - and unforunately wasn't so good.

We left the park at about 9:30, so out of energy it wasn't even funny! After Dive Bomber, we didn't have much energy to do too much more. I'm proud that I got the courage to do something I never thought I would and I recommend it to everyone to try once - it was really a blast!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much FUN! I wouldn't even think twice about doing something like the Dive Bomber - I'd be running to get in line!! Oh - I wish I could have done it. Congrats on the courage, I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea to be dropped from 150 feet in the air!

Mindy said...

Thanks Tami! It was sooo much fun! Maybe someday we'll do it together! :)