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Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Here I am at Chahinkapa zoo, carrying our boa constrictor Tess (whose a he, not a she). He isn't full grown yet, but he is absolutely gorgeous, isn't he? His scales are softer than most would think, and there's just something awesome about working with such a powerful snake. You can also catch me in my normal zoo garb - cut off shorts, old t-shirt, and a bottle of mace tied to my belt loop (usually it's on a belt, but I had forgotten my belt that day). The mace is grizzly bear strength, an dis there on the off chance I get attacked by any of our animals. This day we had given snake talks, so I got to hold Tess several times... one of the perks about my job! Err..my old job... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are much braver then I am. I think I have touched a snake once in my entire life!! And even that was under peer pressure. Looks like you are enjoying holding a snake that in a few years could be strong enough you kill you. :)