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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


... I survived last night - without a spider or a DREAM about spiders!!! I'm soo very proud of myself!

Okay, now all bug matters aside, things here are going well. My first day was a little shakey, cause I felt out of place and didn't know what to do. I made it to Wal-Mart for some needed supplies and did a bunch of other errands with the director. Then later that evening I met a guy in the air force down here who comes and helps out. He's nice and I watched him butcher cows - and admittedly turned down the offer of doing it myself. Maybe next time.

That was Monday, Tuesday I didn't do too much. Went with to water the cats once, went with to do medicine for the cats, and sat around a bunch. I felt bad and really lost most the day, but in the evening I had a talk with the director, who explained that she's been crazy with a million other things and also doesn't want to explain everything twice - once to me, and once when the other intern for the fall gets here. So, she's going to wait for a while to explain stuff and let me take it a little easier for now. Since that talk I've felt better.

Today I went with another woman who volunteers here, and did medications for the cats. Then later watered the cats - all by myself! Afterwards I helped the director and another volunteer clean pens, which is hard work in the 95+ degree weather and high humidity. Ate a very quick lunch during a brief break, then we finished cleaning pens for today and I had a 1.5 hour break while the director did errands. I ate some dinner and relaxed on the couch. Once she got back we fed meat to some of the cats, then I went and did water again for all the cats. Finally, at about 8 pm, my day was over and I hopped in the shower quick before going over to the director's place (she lives on site too with her 3 kids) for dinner that was made by yet a different volunteer. After dinner was over I headed back home, but stopped on the way to watch lightening in a storm a little ways off (it was georgous) and ended up chit-chatting with the volunteer who made dinner. Actually, he ended up doing the talking, and I just nodded a bunch.

So there you have my first few days! Exciting isn't it? Work here happens around the clock. The director doesn't take a minute to do anything for herself, not even eat food, and I'm amazed that she has the stamina to do that day after day after day. I can do things for people and work hard, but I also have to have time for me. Especially food - if I don't eat regularly I feel miserable, so I always make time to eat something. She doesn't even stop for that! There are no set work hours, just whenever things need to get done.

All the volunteers and everyone who comes around here are super nice, and definitely like a big family. Sometimes that's a little frightening...and it's likely there will come times when it gets to be too much, but it's also nice to feel accepted. The cats here are phenomonal. They are happy, healthy, loving, amazing, beautiful.... just awesome. I'm working on all their names still and we're still working on getting to know each other (them me, and me them) but it's going good. None of them seem to hate me at least. :)

That's about all for tonight. I could go on and on about the georgous African lions, the tiger who loves water sprayed into her/his? mouth, and how cool it is to sleep in the room next to cats...but this post is already long and those things are best left to another day.

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