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Monday, April 23, 2007

5.5 Days

In 5.5 days Fabian finally gets here! I'm sooooooo excited.

I've been thinking about all I have to do this week and when to get it all done. I figured I'd get all my homework stuff done by about Wednesday, then on Thursday would spend the day making myself beautiful (going to the hair school for my friend to make me pretty), cleaning house top to bottom, getting a big chunk of my final draft for a paper finished, and practising the speech I'm giving on Saturday morning.

Then I was reminded today that I also have to do homework for Cell Bio, which will take at least 2 hours probably to do AND read another scholarly journal article and summerize it for Thursday.

Sigh. Just when I think things are finally perfect - I remember something else to do.

So here's my weeks schedule:

Monday: Turn in Animal Physiology Paper (DONE!), Talk to instructor about speech (DONE!), Work 2-9 pm, go to international group, finish critiqueing one more paper for Anthropology.

Tuesday: Finish critiquing papers for anthropology and get copies made, study for cell bio quiz on Wednesday, start cell bio homework, practice speech.

Wednesday: Study for cell bio quiz, take cell bio quiz, work on cell bio homework, maybe start cleaning apartment, practice speech, work from 5 - 9 pm (last shift for AT LEAST 2 weeks).

Thursday: Read article/write summary, print out summary and turn in, finish cell bio homework, clean-clean-clean, go get hair done, start final draft of anthro paper. Figure out what in the world to wear to pick Fabian up.

Friday: practice speech, clean, go to Seminar speech presentations from 3 pm to 9 pm.

Saturday: Give speech and watch presentations for senior seminar from 8:00 am to about 2 pm. Go home and finish cleaning. Get beautiful. Resist urge to look at watch over and over again to see if I can go to the airport... Go to the airport and relax because I'm back with my fiance which means that everything in the world is good.

Sunday - May 20.... get through the stress of the end of school, celebrate graduation, rejoice at not having to work most of the time, and enjoy the time with my fiance.

I'm SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I have a busy week, but I think I can get through it okay. As long as I don't let evil aunty flo ruin my good mood (she did that already all morning), I'll be okay.

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