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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When It Rains...

It pours.

I have to get my camera fixed. I spent over 300 dollars on it in September of 2005. Within 6 months the lens cover, which turns on the camera, broke - making it impossible to turn the camera on. I got it fixed under warranty and it cost me nothing.

But now, it broke again. Stupid camera. The problem is, I really like my camera. So I'm getting it repaired. Except I have to send it to Laredo, Texas and it will take 7-10 business days to repair, once they get it. Which means that I won't have it right away when Fabian comes here. Sad. But I will have it shortly after he gets here, which is good.

The reason why I HAVE to get it repaired is that I NEED to take pictures when Fabian is here. We have to have proof that we are really together for the future when we start visa stuff. So I'm getting it fixed.

I don't mind really, it's just sad cause I'm tired of things breaking. When it rains, it pours. :'(

I'll get it fixed this once, but if it happens again in the future I will probably just buy a new camera. I like my camera, but it's not that nice.

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