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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

All My...

"...bags are packed, I'm ready to go! I'm standing here outside your door..."

Quick - what song?

That song always makes me so sad, though it's not completely true in this situation. My two boxes I'm shipping home (weighing in at around 100-130 lbs total) are packed, and ready to be shipped tomorrow. They'll arrive in MN on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, about the same time as me. Except I'm leaving Monday morning.

My room here at CARE has lost most of its personal touch now - no more computer, no more pictures, no more dvds.... but I'm only here a few more days, so it's okay.
It's weird, though I've been talking about leaving for a while now, it didn't really sink in until now that I'm leaving this coming Monday. Part of me is sad, part of me is excited to see what's coming next in my life...but mostly I'm glad to have gotten the chance to come to Texas and work at CARE for the last three months. I have met some amazing people, learned so much about so many things, and feel better prepared for whats coming next in my life.


Anonymous said...

I'm leaving on a jet plane. I am so proud of you, you have done so much with you life so far. I am excited to see were you go next.

Tami said...

I sent you a christmas letter, but I didn't know if it would reach you soon enough down south, so it will be waiting at your mom's. Can't wait to see you - Must find time to see eachother...

Mindy said...

Mom - YAY! You guessed right... I'm glad you're excited about where I'm going next... because right now that's your place! :D (note sarcasm).

Tami - We definitly have to find time to see one another. As soon as I find a job, we'll set a date! can't wait to read my letter!