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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today, I'm smarter!

Today I did things a little bit smarter. Since I'm at the library again, I decided to update my blog as one of the first things I do, so that I make sure I have plenty of time.

As I was saying yesterday, things are going alright. I work a lot, which after 4 days (and 42.5 hours of work) is finally catching up to me. I'm thankful for it though because it makes up for the time I had off with Fabian, and also it keeps my mind off of being alone at home. It's a lot easier not to be sad at home for 4-5 hours instead of an entire day.

As far as grades go for my last semester at college I earned all A's, except for 2 B's. My total cumulative GPA for college is 3.51! :) I just made it to "honors" officially, even though I didn't technically graduate with honors. That's okay. I know I did it, and I'm proud of myself. I got a B in Cell Bio and Invertebrate Zoology... which makes me happy since I thought I might get C's in both at the beginning of the semester.

I finished reading Harry Potter 5 in German, and have moved on to Harry Potter 6. I'm extremely interested and curious what happens... I'm also playing the Sims 2 now, something I treated myself to buying when Fabian was here. I'm not quite as into it as some people are, but it is really interesting and I'm happy I bought it.

And that's really about it in my life right now. I have a TV at my new apartment, and I get 3 channels in, all of which are pretty blurry and hard to see. I'm working on getting the internet at my new apartment as well, but that will take a couple weeks longer still.

I wish everyone a happy memorial day weekend. I'm not sure when I'll be back - I likely won't come to the library on Friday.

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