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Friday, September 07, 2007

My Morning

The other intern and my day so far:

8 AM - Wake up, wish I could go back to sleep, get dressed, brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth.

8:10 AM - Get instructions from director on how to clean inside enclosures for our two cats Tabby (tiger) and Rosco (cougar).

8:11 AM - Go to work cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting, and drying both enclosures.

8:45 AM - Shut and lock both enclosures. Go make sure all 54 cats on the grounds have fresh water while the other intern gives AM medicine.

9:06 AM - Go back to Vet Center, see that director is back with the hawk that someone said flew into their window that the director went and picked up. Go inside and look for a few minutes, drink half a coffee mug of OJ.

9:20 AM - Director gives us keys to unlock the outdoor enclosures of both Tabby and Rosco. Tells us how to clean them, then leaves to take the hawk to the vet hospital in town.

9:30 AM - Go get the gator (type of vehicle we drive to carry things).

9:35 AM - Realize I forgot to get rakes and shovels. Go back to get rakes and shovels.

9:40 AM - Grab a drink of OJ, and some Fig Newtons so I don't collapse from lack of energy. Go help other intern clean, scrub, disinfect, outdoor exhibits.

10:40 AM - Finish cleaning both enclosures. Let cats back outside. Go inside and put everything away that was taken out to clean.

10:45 AM - Sit down to breakfast, finally.

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