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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Life

Well. It certainly has been quite a long time since I've posted! There is so much to catch up on. But I'll use bullets to make it a faster read for you all. :)

* It didn't take long to get frustrated with people talking to me through my windows. So I kept them shut.

* It also didn't take long for me to get annoyed at not having any natural sunlight or fresh air available to my dungeon-like apartment. Nov 3rd I moved to a different apartment in the same building, which is on the outside portion! Now I get air and sunlight, and me and my kitty LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

* Downside to the new apartment: noisy neighbors. Parties all night long, music till all hours of the night. I finally called the police on them and reported them to my manager. Manager said they are getting evicted as soon as they can get to court. That was a couple weeks ago and I haven't seen or heard them since about the same time I talked to the manager! Now it is peaceful and wonderful here.

* I am working 6 days a week at my new job and loving it. I could have 2 days off a week, but choose to make the extra money each month to put towards our wedding in March and only have 1 day of rest. Since I excel when kept very busy, this is absolutely great for me!

* Our wedding planning is coming along nicely. We have found a reception site we love that is in our price range. All that is left to finalize the decision is for my parents to go eat there and snap some pictures for us to see. Then we will book it! :) It isn't a hugely popular place for wedding receptions (it's a restaurant) so there isn't a big rush - I highly doubt someone will book March 27th, 2009 at the restaurant this far in advance!

* I've also ordered my wedding dress! See it here: Adelaide. It is absolutely gorgeous. And I look and feel amazing in it. It should come in to the store here in Virginia in February!

* Guess what else is coming into Virginia in February!? My fiance!!! The first step of his visa process was approved and as we speak the application is in the mail going to the embassy in Germany. All that's left is a few more papers, some more government fees to pay, an interview to pass at the embassy and a medical exam. Sounds like a lot - but compared to the 5 month wait just to get the first approval - it's really nothing at all! Since his visa is going through smoothly, he should have no problem getting a flight to move here in the end of February 2009. Then we will drive up to MN for our wedding in the end of March. It's only 3 months away until he moves, 4 months until the wedding --> we're both sooooooo very excited!

That's really about it. I'll try to post up here a bit more often. I've been very big into saving money lately - spending as little as possible and adding as much as I can to my savings account for the wedding. I'm really trying to control my finances and am doing pretty good. The last 5 weeks I've managed to shave $60 a month off of my grocery bill alone! :) I'm thinking about posting more regularly on here about my various goals/challenges to myself in the area of my finances... we'll see.

Until then - have a good turkey day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Found: Phone!

Well... color me blonde.. but I FOUND my cell phone.

It was in the stupidest place imagineable, and I swear I looked there a hundred thousand times.

But... apparantly not.

So... I will still be getting a new phone number, because I get no cell phone service in my apartment and would prefer to have a phone that I can use w/o walking to the parking lot. When I get the number, I will let you all know.


Saturday, September 13, 2008


So... it's been quite awhile since I've posted on here, and I apologize. In the hub-bub of everything, this blog often times gets neglected.

I did complete my move to Virginia, and all is well here. I have a nice apartment and the area is beautiful. My first day of work is Monday, and I'm nervous and excited for it... I hope it'll go well.

There have been 2 big problems here though, since arriving. The first is my cell phone.. or lack thereof. See, I lost my cell phone on Friday (9/12) and cannot find it ANYWHERE. That means that if you try to call me on it, I will not be reachable, and it will say "This person is not accepting calls at this time. Please try again later." If you try later, I still won't be accepting calls. I don't know where the phone is... we've looked all over to no avail.

With that said.. I will be getting a new phone and/or phone number within the next several days and as soon as I have it, I will let everyone know. Please though, if you know my e-mail address, e-mail me your phone number. Tomorrow I'm buying a paper address book to take the spot of my old address book on my cell phone... and I need everyone's number again because I lost all that info with the phone as well.

The second problem is electricity. I forgot to call the electric company before I came and they aren't able to come out to turn my electric on till Monday (9/15), even though I called Friday (9/12). So.. that means no lights, no refridgerator, no hot water, and no stove (it's an electric stove). I do have a power cord from another apartment and can run a light, a fan and my computer, so all is not lost. I've had neighbors offer me to use their shower as well, so that's good too...

And that brings me to my 3rd, and final point of the day.. the weirdest thing so far is that people talk to me through my windows. In my apartment complex, all the apartments open to the outside, with my apartment opening into a little walk way area between the two buildings. I've learned that if your windows are open and your curtains are open as well, people will just stop and talk to you through your windows. Yesterday it was the maintenance guy on several different occassions. Today it was a woman who I think must live down the way from me... she just stopped by and said, "Hey - do you want to shower?"

Lol... if I didn't know better I'd have fell to the floor right there in shock probably. I mean, honestly, who ever asks you that question? I think she was the fiancee of a guy who stopped by earlier though and introduced himself, then said that he & his fiancee had gone through the same problem recently when they moved in and if I need anything, even a shower, to just let them know. My guess is she was his fiancee.

But... seriously, how often in life does someone just stop and talk to you at your window? Weird. At least it's a nice ice breaker to make friendships, right?

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I have great news!!!!

About 3 weeks ago I applied for a job in Virginia. The position was full time and permanent..something my zookeeping career needed! So I applied and a week later called them up to make sure they got my application.

I left them a message that day, and a few hours later I got a call back from their curator. We set up a phone interview for the next day and it went wonderfully. So wonderfully that I got invited immediately to a personal interview at my earliest convienance.

So this week my parents (dad & step-mom) were already planning on coming to visit. We agreed to change our plans to a road-trip to Virginia for the interview (an 8 hour drive from where I live now). I had the interview on Tuesday afternoon...
and today they OFFERED ME THE JOB!!!!

Of course, I said yes.

The position is at a safari-themed drive thru park, much like the one I work at now. The pay is more (3 dollars more) per hour than I make now and the position requires a 2 year minimum commitment...EXACTLY what I need in my career. Not to mention the fact that I'll be living IN THE MOUNTAINS (it's gorgeous there) in a historic town that is only a few hours drive from other major attractions: four hours to the atlantic ocean, 3.5 to Washington D.C., 6.5 to New York, and within a few hours of other large cities. Plus..did I mention it's in the mountains? So there are tons of hiking trails, and it's surrounded by beautiful natural forest land and there's other tourist stuff as well....

I'm so excited!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


I know it's been a while since I've posted on here, but I thought I'd put up a link to a website I found recently - www.employmentcrossing.com.

Employmentcrossing.com is a website meant to help people on the job search! From my own experiences, I know how long and difficult the job search can be. This website is dedicated to helping job hunters come into contact with the right available jobs through a system of portals to individual industries! They even offer a free trial - so head on over and check them out.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Great 5th Anniversary Present!

Are you looking for something unique for an upcoming wedding, anniversary, or birthday? Do you have some other event in the near future and you want to get the person a truly special gift? Then let me suggest LifeOnRecord.

Let's conisder the following example to describe LifeOnRecord's services. Let's say Alyssa and Jacob are celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. You want to give them something extra special but can't think of what. Then you stumble upon LifeOnRecord's website. You pay the fee and send a letter to all of the couple's family and friends. The letter includes a toll-free number and asks them to call in and leave a story about the couple or their well wishes. All of the stories are then collected by the company, and put onto a CD (or downloaded from your computer)! On their anniversary you present them with this special CD that is really one-of-a-kind.

If intersted, head on over to their site and check it out!

Friday, July 11, 2008


I came across this website that lists stories of real people. The story below is of someone's fear, in this case heights. I think this is somthing pretty common that we all fear. Just thought I'd share it with you all.

Fear of Heights

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

CheckMyPC - A Review

We are just full of reviews today. Another review I wanted to let you all know about is CheckMyPC.

CheckMyPC is a computer program that claims to check your computer to determine what it has been used to do. It specifically was created with parents in mind. Many parents try to protect their children from certain websites or programs, but children and teens sometimes (perhaps often) know how to get around these blocking programs to access the content.

If you buy and run CheckMyPC it will go through your computer and let you know what's really been going on. You'll find out what your family has really been up to and will be able to take action if needed.

While CheckMyPC sounds nice, it seems a little sketchy. The website is very basic and nonimpressive, which tells me that the software isn't good enough to spend time working a website for. It also seems to be just another program to help protect children online and ensure internet safety. In a market that is covered in these programs, yet another one might be a little much.

This is all from my point of view as an engaged female with no children. If I had kids, perhaps I would feel differently. Go to http://www.checkmypc.org/, and find out for yourself!

Crush or Flush: A Review

Though I am happily engaged and not looking for a replacement ever, I'd like to take a few moments to review a dating website that I found where you can meet people at your leisure.

The website, crushorflush.com, allows you to create a profile with a picture of yourself. Then you let them know what you are looking for (male, female, age, etc.) and they will give you a list of potential matches. If you are interested in someone, you click "crush" if not, you "flush" them. If a person is flushed, they never find out so you don't have to worry about hurting their feelings! If two people crush eachother, then they can chat. Exchanging e-mail addresses or phone numbers is only done by the people, never the website. It is a safe, easy way to meet people.

Just thought I'd let the world know about the website!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well, life here in P.C. is going well. My job is great. I like my coworkers, and I stay plenty busy! Right now I'm working 9-11 hour days, so it's pretty exhausting. Unfortunately, I can't say more due to confidentiality rules. Sorry guys.

In other news, that I CAN talk about, I've gotten a kitten! She's about 7 weeks old and full of all the energy and annoying habits of all kittens. Oh, but I love her! Her favorite game right now is "scratch-up-Mindy." How do you play? You hide behind boxes and squat down really low to the ground, then jump out and attack Mindy's bare skin with your claws! And let me tell you, it's great fun. In the case that Mindy's feet/legs/hands/arms/head/hair/etc. aren'te accessible, just jump and reach for them and eventually you'll scratch something!

No, in all honesty, she's great. She's going through you're typical kitten stuff. She treats me as a combination mom and litter-mate, and I've only had her for 6 days - so the bonding part is great. She's super happy to see me in the morning (she's not allowed in my bedroom) and in the evenings when I come home from work. Then she alternates playing (with some part of my body (right now she's OBSESSED with my feet) and sleeping curled up in my lap. I sit at the computer right now with a spray bottle of water in my lap, spraying her with it about every 5 seconds - when she plays with my feet. You'd think the concept is simple: Play with feet = sprayed with water. But, she keeps coming back and back and back... her backside is decently wet, but she doesn't give up. I think now it's a contest of wills....who'll give up first, her or me?

In a way, I'm flattered she loves to play with me so much. But on the other hand, I really wish she'd play with her toys instead of my feet!

Ahh..but I'm sure diligence will pay off in the end. At least that's what all the training books say. "Don't lose your temper, be patient, diligent, and consistant, and it'll pay off."

I'll let you know how it turns out.

p.s. Her name is "Lea" (as in "leh-ah"). It means "little lioness" in German.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Well, I'm finally here in Ohio. The weather is spectacular, Lake Erie is gorgeous, my apartment is...being painted lime green today, my new job is awesome, and my new bike is getting me into shape!

I got here Friday night at 11 pm Eastern Time, after my Greyhound was delayed 7 hours in Chicago! Thankfully I got to spend time with an old friend during a few of those hours, so that was great.

Upon arrival my new managers picked me up and brought me to my apartment, which my landlord had left unlocked. I crashed on the couch they had left for me and woke up the next day to sign my lease and find out that they are going to paint my apartment for me and replace the carpet! :)

Saturday and Sunday I just sort of lazed around. I went shopping Saturday and bought the necessities and my new purple mountain bike for getting around town. Sunday I explored Port Clinton downtown and found the best popcorn shop where you can buy lots of different flavors of popcorn! :) MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

Monday I had my first day of work, and it was great. There's nothing like zookeeping, and I have missed it since I was at CARE several months ago. I get along really great with my coworkers and feel like they will help me to excel over these next 6 months and in wherever I go next.

I really love it out here. The only complaint so far is that I don't have many friends, a computer, a TV, or anything else to do yet besides read..so it can be a bit boring. But my computer and scrapbooking stuff is on its way and should be here next week at the latest, so then it'll be better.
I just thought I'd update everyone real quick..I'm using the library's internet now and may only be able to get in on it once a week or so... but I'll update as often as I can!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


* clears throat *

We interupt your regularly scheduled blog to bring you an important message.

Mindy has gotten a job.

We now return you to your usual blog. Thank you.

Yep, that's right. You are now "looking" at the proud owner of..a job! :) I got offered a seasonal zookeeper position at the African Safari Wildlife Park (africansafariwildlifepark.com) in Port Clinton, Ohio. The position sounds great and starts on May 5th, 2008.

That means I'll be moving to Ohio, not Chicago!!! This position is a step forward for my career and will open up doors in the future (and maybe could even lead to full time there after the season is over at the end of October!). Fabian and I have agreed that it's best to go there instead of Chicago. But perhaps Chicago will come at another time in our lives.

I'm excited for the position, even though I have to leave Minnesota in exactly 1 week, and there is a ton of things to do. I'll only be making minimum wage ($7.00/hour in Ohio), but will be getting a second job (the keeping one is full time) and I won't have gas/car insurance/car repairs to pay for, so that'll help. I will be buying a bike when I'm there, and that'll have to get me around. I'll be sooooo buff! :)

I'll be taking a Greyhound, so that'll be FUN....(note sarcasm)...last time I went it was a nightmare due to storms in Oklahoma and rerouting hassles. Let's hope this time goes better.
So, wish me luck. I'll keep you all updated.

P.S. Did I mention that Port Clinton is RIGHT ON LAKE ERIE!?!? WOO HOO!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Zoo Job - CO

Hey everyone. I just thought I’d update you all really fast and let you know that I did not get the job I interviewed for in Colorado. I didn’t ask why, but was told that my persistance has been appreciated and that my application will be kept on file for 4 months in case something else opens up.

I’m dissapointed, because I really wanted the position. I felt that it’d be as close to perfect as possible for Fabian and I to start out and that we’d really like living there.

I already had an inkling though that the position had been offered to another so I wasn’t too surprised when she said that someone else accepted the position.

But I’m looking forward. There’s still zoo jobs out there and I will get the position I’m supposed to get in due time. Obviously God has something else for me in store besides Colorado!! So...I’ll keep sending out applications and plugging away. Eventually, my dreams will come true.

p.s. I do have a full time job for the time being in the non-zoo world which pays pretty okay now! Knowing I have money coming in helps during this time of unknown with my career.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interview Update

Hey everyone!

I’ve gotten a few questions regarding how my interview went, so I thought I’d quickly update everyone!

The interview went well. It was a phone interview with two people, the curator of the zoo and a zookeeper II (upper level zookeeper). They asked me a bunch of questions, most of which I was prepared for. Only one question caught me off guard but I still think I recovered well and answered it well.

I was told to call back the following Sunday to check on the process. When I called back she told me that they haven’t been able to come to any conclusions yet, and that since she’s going out of town for a conference for a week I should call back after the 25th of March.
So, on the bright side, I’m not out of the running yet! I’m not sure if they’ve eliminated some candidates after the interviews already or if they just haven’t had time to do anything... but the most important thing is I’m still in the running! Had I been horrible, I’m sure I would’ve been told then and there that they aren’t interested in me.

I’m super excited for this position still. I think it’d be a great place to continue my career and that Fabian and I could both be happy there. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. In the mean time I’m still working on resumes/applications and getting interviews at other places as well.

As I find out more information about jobs, I’ll keep you all posted! :) Hopefully I’ll be getting something soon!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good News. Bad News.

Wow! I have good news and I have bad news tonight!!!

Let's start with the bad news:

The temp job I've been working for the past two weeks isn't working out nearly as I'd hoped. It's a call center job, asking people to donate money to various non-profit organizations. At first I thought it'd be easy and a great place to work, but it's not as easy as I thought. I've been on the phone by myself for four days now, and of the group that is calling for the same organization I'm calling for, I'm doing the worst! I feel that I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but they keep sending me home after only 1 or 2 hours on the phones, so I feel like I'm not getting much of a chance to prove myself. It's a bit frustrating. After being sent home for the THIRD day in a row, I asked if this would continue all week. The supervisor assured me it wouldn't... so I'm going to go back tomorrow. But if they send me home again tomorrow after only an hour or two, then I'm going to have to quit. Why? Because it's not worth driving 1 hour there and back in order to work 1 or 2 hours only. Gas is way too expensive for that, and I'm only getting paid $8/hour before taxes. So..that's a bummer.

The GREAT news is...drum roll please... I have a job interview for a zoo job!!!!!!! As you all know I've been applying for a while now for a permanent zoo position. A couple of weeks ago I sent in an application to the Pueblo Zoo in Pueblo, Colorado for an apprentice zoo keeper position. The pay is low, but it's an entry level position at a great facility in a beautiful area of the country.. so I applied. About a week after I sent in my application I called the curator (who is the contact for new jobs) and left her a nice message saying that I just wanted to check up on my application. That was Thursday of last week. On Friday, I called back a little later in the afternoon and said the same thing, in a really nice way. I was pleasant and said please and thank you.
Due to shopping with my mom I didn't get a chance to call today, but figured I'd call again tomorrow if I still hadn't heard from her. :) Well... after I got off of work early tonight, I checked my voice mail. And it was HER! :) She said that she was returning my call and that they're starting phone interviews and want me to be one of the interviews on Wednesday or Thursday this week!!!!! I'm soooooooooo excited and happy!!!!

I'm not sure if I've blogged about it, but I've been pretty bummed these last couple of weeks. I've been feeling sorry for myself and frustrated that even though I've been trying, no where wants to hire me. I was especially bummed due to this temporary job not working out so well for me. As some of you may remember, I really really hate applying to jobs and I've been applying to both zoo and non-zoo jobs daily for 3 weeks now. I had finally thought I was done at least with applying to non-zoo jobs, but this job I have now isn't working well, so I realized I needed to start applying again..and I was so unhappy yesterday and today. And now... I have an interview!
Okay....sooooo... I realize that an interview doesn't mean a job. But it DOES mean that I'm at least noticeable enough to get an interview. And THAT is a really great beginning! I'm going to spend the next couple of days brushing up on my interview skills and practice what to answer. I feel confident that I can do the job and that it would be an AWESOME place to continue my career. I also think that Fabian and I would both be really happy there.

YAY! I'm so happy!

P.S. Because I know an interview does not mean a job offer, I put in applications at Kohl's and Dairy Queen (both are hiring) for a position to pay my bills until I do get a zoo job somewhere. I'll let you all know how the interview goes!

Monday, February 25, 2008



I. Am. So. Sick. Of. Applications.

I just want a job - is that so much to ask!?

p.s. I swear I'm TRYING to be patient!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Good & Bad

Good: I've completed my taxes for this year, and between my state and federal taxes, I expect to get back almost $600!!!!

Bad: That money will have to be used to pay my bills some, and then will be put aside because my car is dead.

D.E.A.D. dead. As a doornail.

Okay, well not really.

Long story short: My car needs some where between $200 and $500 in brake work. My car also needs other things done to it, and isn't worth the investment any more. So, we've decided to put it to rest. I'm either going to junk it and get a few hundred out of it OR donate it and claim it on my taxes next year. I'd probably get more money back on my taxes for it...but I really need the money now, especially if I have to get a new car!!!

For now, I'm using other cars and catching rides to work. Thankfully the parents have an extra vehicle I can use to get to and from work, as soon as I get a job. Hopefully I'll get a permanent zoo job where I don't need a car soon!

But at leaset I'm getting a big tax return - my biggest ever.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Germany - :)

Yep..I'm still here in good ol' Germany. :) We've been seriously enjoying my vacation here, and it feels so great to be able to be with Fabian every day.

Since my last post we've been to Munich, where we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe which is right across from the most famous place to eat - Hofbrauhaus. At Hard Rock I had dessert and a long island ice tea...Fabian had a burger and fries. Then we went to the Hofbrauhaus and had weisswurst (white bratwurst) and a pretzel, then dessert, and of course Fabian had a beer (a HUGE one) and I had a Cola. We were soooo full I didn't think I'd make it home to the hotel..

And the hotel! I've never stayed at such a Beautiful one! It was really upper class, and Fabian spoiled me so much by taking me there. Gorgeous! I really felt like royalty.

We've also been to Spain and back, visiting his Grandma... which was great. She's a cute woman and is always fun to visit. She took us to the Aquarium, which was so much fun! Unfortunately though I got really sick the night right before we left with a sickness that Fabian and his mom had already had. The sickness is horrible - for about 24 hours you throw up/go to the bathroom more times than you can count..then for several days your stomach remains touchy but you feel better overall... The worst part was that we were at the airport when the worst of it hit.... And the walking to the gate was terrible..I barely made it. I had to sit several times and threw up along the way. I even started to throw up when I was boarding the plane, but thankfully I had nothing left in my stomach to come up. The stewardess asked what was wrong and we said it was probably something I ate, and she asked the captain if he still wanted me on the flight!!! Thankfully he said it was okay...or else we wouldn't have been coming home!

Let me just say..if you ever want to have your own private toilet on the plane or stewardesses who offer you drinks after you use the bathroom to throw up.... then get really horribly sick on your flight.

Don't worry - After a day in bed watching German TV (I love German TV), I feel a lot better and am no longer throwing up.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


For those of you who may not know - I am now in Germany!!!! YAY!!!

I arrived on the 26th of January, at about 5:30 in the morning. Shortly before six, I finally had my luggage and had gone through customs where Fabian was waiting for me...looking and smelling great. :)

It's always so wonderful to see him again after a long absence. I'm always so nervous to see him again, but then as soon as I do everything immediately goes back to normal, and it feels as if we were never apart. It's such a great feeling.

So far we haven't done too much. Just tried to enjoy our time and fight the jet leg (he worked at night the last days before I came, so he's also suffering from "jet leg"). Saturday we watched some movies, Sunday we watched a movie and took a nice long walk, Monday we watched a bunch more movies, and today we've eaten breakfast, he worked on some work he needs to do for BK and I've worked out so far. Later this evening we're going to drive his mom to Frankfurt for a flight and then go out to dinner at a really nice restaurant... Tomorrow we're driving to Siegen to see his Dad and dad's wife...

I'm pretty excited. It's been great to see everyone over here again, and wonderful to be back with Fabian again. The food is even better than I remembered...and the Baki (banana and cherry juice) is delicious!!

Oh..and on the way over I finished Harry Potter 7...such a good book!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rest In Peace

For those of you that have yet to hear the news, actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment in New York this past Tuesday, January 22, 2008.

Surrounded by sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication, an autopsy was performed and was inconclusive. An official reason for death has yet to be released. For more information, check out the Baltimore Sun article or the Herald Sun article.

Was it suicide? Was he depressed and addicted to drugs? In all honesty, I don't know.

What I do know, is that I enjoyed his acting, and find it tragic that an actor I "grew up with" won't be making any more films, beyond what he has recently finished. May he rest in peace.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Dear Public:

I know I have been absent from you lately, and I apologize. Though life hasn't been hectic or crazy busy, as I could claim...life has been full of applications, resumes, cover letters, and references. Hours are spent each day working on my job applications, and until now I have sent out 6 separate job applications.

In other news I leave in 1 week for Germany! It's been a year and a half since I was there, and I've been trying to spend some time brushing up my German before I arrive. Naturally, after over a year living in the states again, my German is a bit worse than it used to be - and my American accent has taken over as well.

Tomorrow I travel with family to an indoor water park in Northern Minnesota. The trip is a christmas gift to ourselves...something we decided to do instead of spending money on each other for gifts. I look forward to this as well...though it is the coldest weekend of this current winter.... Saturday morning is supposed to be -38 wind chill! EEEK!

Once again, I apologize for my absence, and hope you will forgive me in coming weeks for similar absences. I promise I haven't died - I've just been busy.

Yours truly,

Friday, January 11, 2008

things that make me go hmmmmmm?

I am a very blessed person... why you ask? Because I didn't have one bill due this week..or two.. I had THREE!

So I go to pay my three bills the other day, all of which I do online (thank goodness, I love online bill pay)... and two out of the three go quite nice and normally. Then when I go to the third website, I can't log in.

So the next day I call the place and they say their system is down, but here is a new password, try that to login to your account.

And I try it. And I try it. And I try it again, just to be sure. Nope..no good.

Then today, three days later about, I finally the new info AGAIN, and it still doesn't work. Here's our conversation:

Customer Service: "You're account has been inactivated, that's why you can't log in."
Me: "Oh? Does it say why?"
CS: "I'm not sure why, let me look at the notes section." (she looks) "It doesn't say why."
Me: (noise of surprise) "That's weird. Could it be inactivated automatically for some reason?"
CS: "Nope. You'd have to call in and tell us to."
Me: "Well, the other day was the first time I ever called you and I didn't do it then. Weird."

I set up a new account though, and all is well. Bill is paid..it just made me go hmmmm...

And the other hmmmm thing today was when I went to check out a movie at a movie place I haven't been to in months and months..and she says

Her: "You actually have your own account already. There is a late fee you'll have to pay first though, for $62.15."
Me: "What?!? For what movie?"
Her: "Shawn of the Dead."
Me: "Uh.... I never would have rented that movie in a million years."
Her: "Really?"
Me: "No. And I'm not stupid enough to leave a movie out that long."
Her: "Okay, I'll take it off. Don't worry about it."
Mom: "She hasn't even been home the last several months."

Later, upon looking in my wallet, my old id card for there is missing. Did it fall out of my wallet sometime and some one else use it?


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Me: Looking for a Job

Blah. So, as we all know, I finished up my internship in Texas and arrived back home on Dec. 12, 2007.

On Dec. 17th, I started working a temporary job in a nearby city, which is finishing up tomorrow - Jan. 10th, 2008.

Of course, I only have 2 weeks to go before I leave for Germany for 3.5 weeks. It seems quite pointless to me, and everyone I've asked, to apply for and start a permanent part time or full time position anywhere in this two weeks, since I'm leaving soon on vacation.
Instead I've been off searching for temporary jobs! Hopefully I'll find one through a temp agency soon, even if it's just for a few days here or there in the next couple of weeks.

Tonight I wrote down some temp agencies to contact tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get SOMETHING!!

In the mean time, I've spent a lot of time learning how to do resumes, cover letters, and searching for jobs. I've been working on application packets... and it seems no matter how long I sit at the computer, I get NO.WHERE.

Anyone else ever have this feeling?

P.S. For those interested - I'm not going to be able to make it to Fargo before I leave on my trip, because I have no gas money to get me there and am NOT doing Pracs. I miss you all!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone's Christmas went well, and that they got all the time they needed to spend with family and friends!

I also hope everyone's New Year's Eve was happy and safe!

Not too much has been going on in my world since I last talked to you all. I enjoyed my time off around the holidays, but didn't get nearly as many things done as I had originally planned (isn't that how it always is?). Work has been going pretty good, though it looks as if my temp job will be over sooner than I had hoped.

My family is well and my christmas was fun. I enjoyed time with friends and family, especially those I don't get to see very often. New Year's eve went well too; I spent it was a high school friend who I haven't seen in a few months. We enjoyed dinner, then hung out until nearly 2 in the morning at her place. :)

Today is New Year's Day and I plan to do a bit of shopping for some much needed jeans, and to get the rest of my resumes out. Let's hope I get a job, soon!

Only 25 Days until I leave for Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Happy New Years and may your life be Great in 2008! (I love that saying!)