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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


For those of you who may not know - I am now in Germany!!!! YAY!!!

I arrived on the 26th of January, at about 5:30 in the morning. Shortly before six, I finally had my luggage and had gone through customs where Fabian was waiting for me...looking and smelling great. :)

It's always so wonderful to see him again after a long absence. I'm always so nervous to see him again, but then as soon as I do everything immediately goes back to normal, and it feels as if we were never apart. It's such a great feeling.

So far we haven't done too much. Just tried to enjoy our time and fight the jet leg (he worked at night the last days before I came, so he's also suffering from "jet leg"). Saturday we watched some movies, Sunday we watched a movie and took a nice long walk, Monday we watched a bunch more movies, and today we've eaten breakfast, he worked on some work he needs to do for BK and I've worked out so far. Later this evening we're going to drive his mom to Frankfurt for a flight and then go out to dinner at a really nice restaurant... Tomorrow we're driving to Siegen to see his Dad and dad's wife...

I'm pretty excited. It's been great to see everyone over here again, and wonderful to be back with Fabian again. The food is even better than I remembered...and the Baki (banana and cherry juice) is delicious!!

Oh..and on the way over I finished Harry Potter 7...such a good book!!!!!!!


Tami said...

Don't tell me what happens...I finally broke down and bought the first of the Harry Potter books this summer (in soft cover - what I like) and when through them 1-6 like crazy. Now, even though book 7 is out, I am waiting for it to be in soft cover to add to my collection! I can't wait!!

Oh...I'm glad you made it to Germany fine. Wishing you a good and relaxing time!

We'll catch up when you get back state side.

Mindy said...


If you liked 1-6 you'll love 7!!! I won't tell you what happens, don't worry! But I did cry at the end!

Have a good week!