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Friday, February 22, 2008

Good & Bad

Good: I've completed my taxes for this year, and between my state and federal taxes, I expect to get back almost $600!!!!

Bad: That money will have to be used to pay my bills some, and then will be put aside because my car is dead.

D.E.A.D. dead. As a doornail.

Okay, well not really.

Long story short: My car needs some where between $200 and $500 in brake work. My car also needs other things done to it, and isn't worth the investment any more. So, we've decided to put it to rest. I'm either going to junk it and get a few hundred out of it OR donate it and claim it on my taxes next year. I'd probably get more money back on my taxes for it...but I really need the money now, especially if I have to get a new car!!!

For now, I'm using other cars and catching rides to work. Thankfully the parents have an extra vehicle I can use to get to and from work, as soon as I get a job. Hopefully I'll get a permanent zoo job where I don't need a car soon!

But at leaset I'm getting a big tax return - my biggest ever.

1 comment:

Tami said...

Nice! My dad still helps us out with our taxes since he took classes in tax law and know a few deductions we can use to get more out of our refund! But it would be nice to be able to do them myself. I take it your back home now? I didn't know how long you would be in Germany - any plans moving forward?