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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interview Update

Hey everyone!

I’ve gotten a few questions regarding how my interview went, so I thought I’d quickly update everyone!

The interview went well. It was a phone interview with two people, the curator of the zoo and a zookeeper II (upper level zookeeper). They asked me a bunch of questions, most of which I was prepared for. Only one question caught me off guard but I still think I recovered well and answered it well.

I was told to call back the following Sunday to check on the process. When I called back she told me that they haven’t been able to come to any conclusions yet, and that since she’s going out of town for a conference for a week I should call back after the 25th of March.
So, on the bright side, I’m not out of the running yet! I’m not sure if they’ve eliminated some candidates after the interviews already or if they just haven’t had time to do anything... but the most important thing is I’m still in the running! Had I been horrible, I’m sure I would’ve been told then and there that they aren’t interested in me.

I’m super excited for this position still. I think it’d be a great place to continue my career and that Fabian and I could both be happy there. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. In the mean time I’m still working on resumes/applications and getting interviews at other places as well.

As I find out more information about jobs, I’ll keep you all posted! :) Hopefully I’ll be getting something soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with your post- i just wanted to say Happy Birthday!!