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Friday, January 18, 2008


Dear Public:

I know I have been absent from you lately, and I apologize. Though life hasn't been hectic or crazy busy, as I could claim...life has been full of applications, resumes, cover letters, and references. Hours are spent each day working on my job applications, and until now I have sent out 6 separate job applications.

In other news I leave in 1 week for Germany! It's been a year and a half since I was there, and I've been trying to spend some time brushing up my German before I arrive. Naturally, after over a year living in the states again, my German is a bit worse than it used to be - and my American accent has taken over as well.

Tomorrow I travel with family to an indoor water park in Northern Minnesota. The trip is a christmas gift to ourselves...something we decided to do instead of spending money on each other for gifts. I look forward to this as well...though it is the coldest weekend of this current winter.... Saturday morning is supposed to be -38 wind chill! EEEK!

Once again, I apologize for my absence, and hope you will forgive me in coming weeks for similar absences. I promise I haven't died - I've just been busy.

Yours truly,


Tami said...

How far north are you coming? I happen to know that there are three indoor waterparks up in Brainerd and thought I might get lucky. Of course you are spending family time, but if you find a minute, let me know. I'd love to see you before you go!!

Mindy said...

Tami -

Hey! I was in Brainard...but didn't put the fact that you live near there and that I would be there together soon enough to contact you guys to see you! I'm so sorry for my blonde-ness!!!

Miss you tons!