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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone's Christmas went well, and that they got all the time they needed to spend with family and friends!

I also hope everyone's New Year's Eve was happy and safe!

Not too much has been going on in my world since I last talked to you all. I enjoyed my time off around the holidays, but didn't get nearly as many things done as I had originally planned (isn't that how it always is?). Work has been going pretty good, though it looks as if my temp job will be over sooner than I had hoped.

My family is well and my christmas was fun. I enjoyed time with friends and family, especially those I don't get to see very often. New Year's eve went well too; I spent it was a high school friend who I haven't seen in a few months. We enjoyed dinner, then hung out until nearly 2 in the morning at her place. :)

Today is New Year's Day and I plan to do a bit of shopping for some much needed jeans, and to get the rest of my resumes out. Let's hope I get a job, soon!

Only 25 Days until I leave for Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Happy New Years and may your life be Great in 2008! (I love that saying!)


Tami said...

Happy New Year to you too! I've sent that sooner, but Brad and I had the flu on New Years Eve - bummer!

Who was the friend?

Mindy said...

I spent New Years w/Beth H. Had a TON of fun, catching up! Too bad you guys were sick - I spent New Years 2007 sick at home alone, so I know what it's like!