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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Zoo Job - CO

Hey everyone. I just thought I’d update you all really fast and let you know that I did not get the job I interviewed for in Colorado. I didn’t ask why, but was told that my persistance has been appreciated and that my application will be kept on file for 4 months in case something else opens up.

I’m dissapointed, because I really wanted the position. I felt that it’d be as close to perfect as possible for Fabian and I to start out and that we’d really like living there.

I already had an inkling though that the position had been offered to another so I wasn’t too surprised when she said that someone else accepted the position.

But I’m looking forward. There’s still zoo jobs out there and I will get the position I’m supposed to get in due time. Obviously God has something else for me in store besides Colorado!! So...I’ll keep sending out applications and plugging away. Eventually, my dreams will come true.

p.s. I do have a full time job for the time being in the non-zoo world which pays pretty okay now! Knowing I have money coming in helps during this time of unknown with my career.

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