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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Crush or Flush: A Review

Though I am happily engaged and not looking for a replacement ever, I'd like to take a few moments to review a dating website that I found where you can meet people at your leisure.

The website, crushorflush.com, allows you to create a profile with a picture of yourself. Then you let them know what you are looking for (male, female, age, etc.) and they will give you a list of potential matches. If you are interested in someone, you click "crush" if not, you "flush" them. If a person is flushed, they never find out so you don't have to worry about hurting their feelings! If two people crush eachother, then they can chat. Exchanging e-mail addresses or phone numbers is only done by the people, never the website. It is a safe, easy way to meet people.

Just thought I'd let the world know about the website!

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