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Friday, January 11, 2008

things that make me go hmmmmmm?

I am a very blessed person... why you ask? Because I didn't have one bill due this week..or two.. I had THREE!

So I go to pay my three bills the other day, all of which I do online (thank goodness, I love online bill pay)... and two out of the three go quite nice and normally. Then when I go to the third website, I can't log in.

So the next day I call the place and they say their system is down, but here is a new password, try that to login to your account.

And I try it. And I try it. And I try it again, just to be sure. Nope..no good.

Then today, three days later about, I finally the new info AGAIN, and it still doesn't work. Here's our conversation:

Customer Service: "You're account has been inactivated, that's why you can't log in."
Me: "Oh? Does it say why?"
CS: "I'm not sure why, let me look at the notes section." (she looks) "It doesn't say why."
Me: (noise of surprise) "That's weird. Could it be inactivated automatically for some reason?"
CS: "Nope. You'd have to call in and tell us to."
Me: "Well, the other day was the first time I ever called you and I didn't do it then. Weird."

I set up a new account though, and all is well. Bill is paid..it just made me go hmmmm...

And the other hmmmm thing today was when I went to check out a movie at a movie place I haven't been to in months and months..and she says

Her: "You actually have your own account already. There is a late fee you'll have to pay first though, for $62.15."
Me: "What?!? For what movie?"
Her: "Shawn of the Dead."
Me: "Uh.... I never would have rented that movie in a million years."
Her: "Really?"
Me: "No. And I'm not stupid enough to leave a movie out that long."
Her: "Okay, I'll take it off. Don't worry about it."
Mom: "She hasn't even been home the last several months."

Later, upon looking in my wallet, my old id card for there is missing. Did it fall out of my wallet sometime and some one else use it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get your credit report and make sure no one has stolen your identity