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Monday, April 30, 2007

Finally Normal

Hey everyone. I just thought I'd update real quick to let you know that my fiance did arrive this past Saturday. He looked great in the suit he wore and I was told I looked good in the dress I wore. No, we didn't take any pictures - in all the excitement it was completely forgotten.

Things are well between us and it's nice to finally be together after such a long time. If I don't update much in the next few weeks, it's because I'm too busy enjoying my time with him. :)

So until next time, have a good week!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

En Route

Fabian is officially sitting on an airplane right now, somewhere over Europe or the Atlantic ocean.

Unfortunately he arrives on a later flight than originally planned, so he'll get here at 7:40 pm.

That's 12 hours and 40 minutes away.

I'm so anxious. I just want the day to be over. But first I have to give a speech, then listen to four more hours of speeches... then I have to wait still like half of the day. Good thing I have cleaning to keep me busy, at least for a little while. And some friends are coming over, so that'll help.

I keep telling myself that by the end of the day, he'll be here. And it just doesn't seem real to me.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Update on my Bummed-ness

So, after a busy day, I must say that things might just turn out perfect after all. Or at least as perfect as real life can get.

I skipped my two classes today (gasp) in order to do everything, but I accomplished it pretty well.

My apartment is 80% clean. And not just picked up the mess, clean - like scrubbed clean. I have more to do tomorrow but should be able to get it done before he arrives.

I found something to wear. Actually - I found 5 somethings to wear. I went ahead and bought all of them because I couldn't decide what would be best. So my plan is to ask my friends who are coming over tomorrow to help me get ready. What I don't wear I'm bringing back to the store. Well, all except for one shirt which was on clearance, so I can't bring it back. But it's a shirt I've been wanting since December, so it's okay to keep.

I got all my homework done, so I don't have to even think about it until Monday sometime.

I did practice my speech, though not as much as originally planned. Still, with some review of my sources in the morning and one more run through before I give my speech, I will be ready to give a good speech in the morning.

While I still have my period, it is at least getting lighter.

I feel healthier!! I took some tylenol this morning, as long as some vitamins and that perked me right up. Plus I ate lots of fruits and veggies today - lots meaning more than usual.

So, things should be good. I've already woken Fabian up and he should be on his way to the airport right now as we speak with a friend of his who agreed to drive him there. He's got a long day of traveling ahead of him, but the next time I talk to him should be at the airport when I pick him up on Saturday!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!


I had everything planned out to be perfect for tomorrow (he comes tomorrow - yay!). My apartment was going to be spotless. Not only spotless - but really clean. All the little things, like dusting, that I usually don't do, I was giong to do and it was going to look great. I was going to find the perfect outfit and look great. A friend was going to help me pick out my outfit, and two friends from beauty school are coming over saturday to do my hair and make up. I was going to get time to practice my speech for Saturday morning and know it like the back of my hand. I was going to have my cell bio homework done ahead of time. It was all going to be perfect.

Except it isn't at all. I don't have time to clean my apartment to be spotless, like I wanted to. I will just barely have time to get it picked up and mopped. Despite going shopping with a friend last night and then on my own for a total of nearly four hours, I didn't find the perfect outfit. All I wanted was a simple black or brown skirt with a nice shirt. But apparantly no one in the world wears just a simple brown or black skirt. Everyone wears pants or those bermuda short things. Yuck. When I finally did find the perfect dress, no one had my size. Then I found a good second, but when I went to pay it was $60.00! It was on a clearance rack so I thought it'd be at least 40. And 40 isn't bad at all for a nice dress I would use over and over again. But $60, when I can't really afford a new outfit anyways, is a little much. I have no time to practice my speech as much as I should before I give it tomorrow morning and it will be a rush this morning to get my cell bio homework done in time. Oh, and to top it all off, the other night I hurt my neck muscles at an event for graduating seniors, so lifting my head or laying it down is nearly impossible. And I have a slight headache and am starting to feel a bit under the weather.

Everything was going to be so perfect. I want it to be perfect. I want to look great, have a clean place, have my homework done, give a great speech Saturday morning, be HEALTHY, not have my period (which I do), and just be able to relax and enjoy tomorrow. But I don't have time to get it all done.

I know I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, because that really doesn't help a person feel better or accomplish anything, and I will. Just right now I'm sad that nothing is going according to plan. My friends are coming over still to help me get ready, so that will help. This afternoon I'm going to go to one last store and see if I can't find something great to wear there. I'll practice my speech this morning/afternoon/tonight and tomorrow before I give it. I'll get my homework done. My period will get lighter, I'll take some vitamins and eat lots of fruit and hopefully will NOT get sick, and if I have ANY time left over I'll clean my apartment as good and fast as I can.

It'll be okay. Besides, I need to remember that the rest of everything doesn't matter: what really matters is that he's coming and we'll be together again.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


As my faithful readers (which means KC and Tami for sure) know, I am currently in an anthropology seminar course which I need to graduate. The purpose of the course was to conduct an original research project in the area of folklore and write up a paper by the end of the course.

Being from a very strong science background, I was very apprehensive this entire semester about this course. I wasn't sure what folklore was, even after we had talked about it a bunch of times and I wasn't sure if my project on my family would count as folklore even. But, because I needed this class I just kept plugging away and working hard on my project.

On April 10 we turned our rough drafts in. I had worked really hard on mine, so that I wouldn't have to redo it a lot when I got it back. For two weeks everyone in the class proofread and critiqued each others' papers. Last night we got to listen to everybody's opinions on the their work and find out what we can change. After being an half hour late to class and hearing the proffessor say that a few were really good but several needed a lot of work still, I was scared out of my mind. I was sure that mine sucked and that as my proffessor had told me earlier in the semester, I had "missed the folklore boat." I was thankful when my name got picked to be the first to get her paper critiqued and I held my breath, waiting for what I was sure was about to come...

Except it didn't. Not even a little. I was told that I had a great paper, that it made perfect sense. That everyone had originally been apprehensive about my topic and wasn't sure if it was really folklore, but once they read my project they completely understood what folklore was and why my topic was important. I was shocked. One girl said she had even read the paper to her mom and her mom had understood it too. I was told I could make a few minor changes to make the paper better, but that was it.

This semester has been really hard for me. Between financial difficulties, missing my fiance, working a lot, and having 21 credits I thought I was never going to make it through to the end. I went into this semester hoping for all A's except for in two classes and wanting to come out on top. Then when the semester got hard, all I wanted to do was pass. Now as the semester comes to an end I find myself just wanting to be done with it all. But it was so nice last night to get congratulated on doing a very good job.

And my grades are turning out not so bad. Here are the expected outcomes:

Animal Physiology - B
Cellular Biology - B or C (most likely a C; that class kicked my butt this semester)
Invertebrate Zoology - A or B (depends on how he curves)
Senior Seminar - who knows. Hopefully an A or a B.
Anthropology Seminar - A
Anthropology online course - A

So... overall not bad at all, all things considered. And I found out that my broken camera is being sent back to me as we speak, which is faster than expected. I should get it back by early next week, if not the end of this week still. I found my other camera battery the other day, which has been missing for months. I get to go to a senior day event at the Fargodome tonight before work: it's a party for seniors with free stuff, basically. I am treating myself to getting my hair done tomorrow. Tonight is my last day of work until May 21st (I get a much needed vacation). I have my last cell bio quiz ever today too. Saturday I give my senior seminar speech and saturday evening I get to see Fabian again, which is the best part about this all.

Things are finally looking up. It's about time.

Monday, April 23, 2007

5.5 Days

In 5.5 days Fabian finally gets here! I'm sooooooo excited.

I've been thinking about all I have to do this week and when to get it all done. I figured I'd get all my homework stuff done by about Wednesday, then on Thursday would spend the day making myself beautiful (going to the hair school for my friend to make me pretty), cleaning house top to bottom, getting a big chunk of my final draft for a paper finished, and practising the speech I'm giving on Saturday morning.

Then I was reminded today that I also have to do homework for Cell Bio, which will take at least 2 hours probably to do AND read another scholarly journal article and summerize it for Thursday.

Sigh. Just when I think things are finally perfect - I remember something else to do.

So here's my weeks schedule:

Monday: Turn in Animal Physiology Paper (DONE!), Talk to instructor about speech (DONE!), Work 2-9 pm, go to international group, finish critiqueing one more paper for Anthropology.

Tuesday: Finish critiquing papers for anthropology and get copies made, study for cell bio quiz on Wednesday, start cell bio homework, practice speech.

Wednesday: Study for cell bio quiz, take cell bio quiz, work on cell bio homework, maybe start cleaning apartment, practice speech, work from 5 - 9 pm (last shift for AT LEAST 2 weeks).

Thursday: Read article/write summary, print out summary and turn in, finish cell bio homework, clean-clean-clean, go get hair done, start final draft of anthro paper. Figure out what in the world to wear to pick Fabian up.

Friday: practice speech, clean, go to Seminar speech presentations from 3 pm to 9 pm.

Saturday: Give speech and watch presentations for senior seminar from 8:00 am to about 2 pm. Go home and finish cleaning. Get beautiful. Resist urge to look at watch over and over again to see if I can go to the airport... Go to the airport and relax because I'm back with my fiance which means that everything in the world is good.

Sunday - May 20.... get through the stress of the end of school, celebrate graduation, rejoice at not having to work most of the time, and enjoy the time with my fiance.

I'm SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I have a busy week, but I think I can get through it okay. As long as I don't let evil aunty flo ruin my good mood (she did that already all morning), I'll be okay.

Friday, April 20, 2007

whine moan complain

i had the cysts in my eye finally removed. other than the part where i thought i was g oing to pass out briefly it wasn't so bad. except now the novacaine has worn off and my eye hurts and feels not normal.

whine whine whine.

i have a thing to write before three today... bah. it's hard to do anything because it all involves using my eyes and my vision is blurry.

moan complain crab.

okay, i'm done now. i'm happy those things are gone, i just want my eye to not hurt any more or be really blurry.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sometimes it just hits a girl!

Wow.. do you all realize that soon I'll be done with college?


Most times lately, I'm just stressed out/tired/unhappy/annoyed at everything going wrong in life lately with my money or lack thereof and I'm too busy to remember that soon Fabian will be here and college will be finsihed...

But this morning it sort of hit me. Fabian gets here in a little over a week, and college will be over soon. I'll be a graduate and will never have to open another textbook if I don't want to.


Unfortunately there's still lots to do both before Fabian gets here and I graduate. The goals for today are:

1. Finish my zoology seminar speech and slides.
2. Study for my invertebrate test tomorrow.
3. Maybe go to German group meeting (we all eat dinner and talk in german). Whether I go or not depends on how the zoo seminar/studying goes.
4. Go to prayer hour at 7:30 for the victims of Virginia Tech.
5. Go to candlight vigil at 8:30 on campus for the victims of Virginia Tech.
6. Afterwards either hang out with friends or come home and study....

There you have it! :) I already have the first 4 slides down, so I'm proud of my morning so far.

Wow... I'm so excited to be starting the next chapter in my life soon.

(to friends and family: sorry if you're tired of hearing about me graduating soon..I just can't contain my excitement sometimes).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When It Rains...

It pours.

I have to get my camera fixed. I spent over 300 dollars on it in September of 2005. Within 6 months the lens cover, which turns on the camera, broke - making it impossible to turn the camera on. I got it fixed under warranty and it cost me nothing.

But now, it broke again. Stupid camera. The problem is, I really like my camera. So I'm getting it repaired. Except I have to send it to Laredo, Texas and it will take 7-10 business days to repair, once they get it. Which means that I won't have it right away when Fabian comes here. Sad. But I will have it shortly after he gets here, which is good.

The reason why I HAVE to get it repaired is that I NEED to take pictures when Fabian is here. We have to have proof that we are really together for the future when we start visa stuff. So I'm getting it fixed.

I don't mind really, it's just sad cause I'm tired of things breaking. When it rains, it pours. :'(

I'll get it fixed this once, but if it happens again in the future I will probably just buy a new camera. I like my camera, but it's not that nice.

Monday, April 16, 2007

No Drive

Well, I'm finally at the point where I can work on my last big project for the semester: my zoo seminar speech. Once that is done, all I have are little quizes, tests, paper revisions and homework assignments to keep up with it - and then finals week. That may seem like a lot, but it really isn't.

Except, here's the problem:

I have no desire to do homework anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't feel like working on my seminar project. My brain doesn't process the information all that well. I know I need to - I just don't want to.

So I think I'm going to go revise some papers that need revising and eat my lunch. I feel bad for wasting time this morning not working on things... I just have no energy for homework anymore.

I keep reminding myself that I have several hours tomorrow morning and evening to work on things, four hours on wednesday, and the entire day on thursday. What I don't get done before thursday will be done on Thursday. Once I get the last 5 sources read, then I can write the speech and make the power point slides. I should easily be able to get it done by thursday evening. Then on saturday after work my group and I can get the slides put together.

I just got soooo used to having so much to do and not enough time to do it in, that I feel like I'm horrible for not doing it this morning too - but I actually have plenty of time to get it done, so there's no need to feel bad. It's weird, not having so much stress.

Friday, April 13, 2007


It is currently 4:19 in the morning. And I am awake. Why? Oh, because I didn't get my animal physiology paper done today as well as I had planned (my own fault) and needed a few more hours to get it done. My brain shuts down at about 11 o'clock at night and it did the same last night as I was trying to finish my paper. The paper is due on Friday (today) at noon, so I would thoeretically have a few hours later today to finish it, however I was afraid it'd take longer and I wouldn't have left myself enough time. So I decided to set my alarm for 3 in the morning, and headed off to bed.

Well, my idea to get up in the middle of the night to finish it was a good one, except that thoughts of my paper wouldn't let me sleep. I kept dreaming of neuropeptides and other things from my paper. Finally at about 2 am I just got up to finish it.

And now it's two hours later and I'm done. While I'll be tired tomorrow, I feel better knowing that I just need to get up and proofread it before class really quickly. It may not be the best, but it's done, at least! No more papers for college! Well, one really little one but that'll be less than a page long, I'm sure. So it doesn't count.

Back in high school I used to go to bed around 11, then get up early to finish any projects that needed to be done still, if I procrastinated so much (which happened decently often). This is the first time in college I've had to do that and I forgot how well my body works like that when it needs to. huh.

Well, I'm off to bed for three hours of sleep, about. After class tomorrow I can come home and nap if I want to though. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

In one month...

I GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to share.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have a test this morning. Ug.

I have been working hard the last few days on my animal physiology paper. I found most of my sources, have been reading my sources and actually understanding them. I have a basic outline for my paper written up and was working last night to find my last sources when I came across another article that I was previously unaware of, which has covered my exact same topic, pretty much. Grrr.. So I e-mailed my professor last night to explain the situation to him and to see if I could still keep my same topic. After all, I've done a lot of work, I had no idea there was another article out there on it, and I haven't read (nor do I plan to) the article in question. Not even to check my facts. This morning I get an e-mail back asking me to go talk to him in his office. Ug. I hope and pray that either he will let me do the same topic still or that God will grant me the insight/understanding to quickly come up with a second topic, find the sources, understand the sources, and write up the paper.

I also need to find and read the rest of my sources for my zoo seminar class, as my detailed outline is due tomorrow and I have only read the first page of one of my ten sources. Ug.

And I have to pay for 10 more copies of my 23 page research paper which is due today in Anthropology Seminar. Ug.

And it's windy and cold and is supposed to snow - on APRIL 10!!!! When is spring coming? Ug.

AND I get to have invertebrate lab today, which sucks. It really is just a waste of my time.

Apparantly I've reverted to cave man dialect, because "ug" just suites the day. With all I have to do, I'm going to be up late tonight, I do believe. Ug.

On the bright side - in less than one month I will take my last final of my l ife!!!!!!! Ug ug ug ug ug ug... (that's caveman for "YAY!")

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pet Peeve of the Day

I love the check spelling as you go function of Microsoft Word and other processing programs. With just a glance over my document, I can see exactly how many spelling mistakes I have and can fix them with just a few clicks of a button. Technology is really amazing sometimes.

What I don't love is that as soon as I switch my typing into "science" talk, the number of red squiggly lines triples because my computer can't spell scientific words like "synthase" or "malonyl-CoA" or "Cerulenin." For those of you interested, synthase is an enzyme that makes a molecule that your body needs; malonyl-CoA is what fatty acid synthase (something that puts fatty acids - fat - together) uses to make fat; Cerulenin is a molecule that can stop fatty acid synthase from making fat.

Sigh. So this means that everytime I type a new scientific word I have to tell my computer to add it to the dictionary. When you're reading very heavy scientific research articles about the inhibition of feeding by two molecules (Cerulenin and another one called C75) and it's implications in weight loss - nearly every other word seems like a new scientific term that my computer doesn't know.

Do you know what's really scary about all this? I can sort through these research articles and am starting to actually understand them more and more without so much thinking. At least the $30,000 I have paid/will pay back (loans) for college has paid off.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Are you sure it's not Sunday?

For some reason, I can't get it out of my head that today is Sunday. In reality, today is Saturday - three weeks until my fiance comes. :) But I feel like it's Sunday....

My mom, step-dad and I went to see Blue Man Group last night and it was awesome! It was held right across the street from where I live, so we got to walk and skip all of the waiting for a parking space and paying for parking, which was great. They performed several things that I've seen before, between their music and their antics.. but they had some new stuff I hadn't seen either. (I went and saw them in Berlin in August of 2005). My parents loved it and I'm glad they got to come with me.

Today we went to Savers, then Red Lobster (yum - cheddar bay biscuits; I haven't had them in over two years), then the Airplane Museum up here. After that we came back to my apartment and they got their stuff and left. That was about 2 pm and since then I've been doing homework. I have a lot due this week, so I just keep plugging away. I figured out a better topic and got several sources for my Zoo Seminar project already, narrowed down my topic and got several sources for my Animal Physiology paper, and took notes from one power point presentation for my anthropology online class from a total of 5 that I need still to take the test. All in all I've been productive.

This evening I need to work more on animal physiology, zoology seminar and study for my invertebrate test. I'm going to try my best to do all that, because I really need to get it done. It's starting to get hard to focus on things so much though, because my brain has been overloaded by it all.

For now I'm off to the store to buy some groceries that I need to bring my item for the work potluck tomorrow, on Easter. Yep, that's right - I get to work on Easter. Do you know, I don't think I've been home for Easter since I started college in Fall of 2003. Huh. Have a great day everyone, I hope you're doing less homework than me!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust!

I just completed my anthropology seminar research paper! :)

I'm excited, because this means that all I have left is:

1. Animal Physiology 8-10 page research paper.
2. Zoology Seminar Proffessional Presentation - a detailed outline is due Wednesday (gasp).
3. Catch up on Anthropology online course and take test.
4. Take Invertebrate Zoology test.
5. Write short Invertebrate Zoology paper.
6. Take finals (four).

It may seem like a lot but I'm getting there!!!!! And well, I have a few more things to do to my anthropology seminar paper, but the majority of it is done and the rest won't take long!

To top it all off I get to go to Blue Man Group tonight and my fiance comes in less than three weeks. It may only last for a few moments, but right now I feel like I can actually accomplish this all and that life is good.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Acne Update: Day 10

Well, back on the 24th of March I told you about a new acne plan I was going on. In case you've forgotten, here's my before picture:

Now, 10 days later, I submit to you - my after picture. Ignore the big eyed look, my eyes are bugging me a bit today (tired of computers and strain from homework), and focus on the rest of my face. I have a couple of pimples on my forehead, but overall I'd say there's been much improvement!

Thats 1 point for my acne regimen and 0 points for the acne!

Just When I Think...

Just when I think that I've got everything under control, am accomplishing everything on time and will complete my semester okay my teachers decide they need to change things up on me! Do they not know how much I have going on?

So now I need to get my paper for anthropology written by April 5 at 3:30, then I need to catch up on my online anthropology so I can take the test next week, write an 8 - 10 page research paper on nutrition for animal physiology by next Friday, turn in research articles I will use for a project in Invertebrate Zoology on Thursday and turn in a detailed outline of my zoology senior seminar project... I haven't even started the last three. The Invert and Zoo Seminar projects were supposed to start next week, after my animal physiology paper... grrrr....

I so had it all planned, and now they had to mess it up! :(

Monday, April 02, 2007


We have my camera! It was found!! :)

I'm still super busy, but I found my camera. whew.


My camera is missing. I thought I left it at the zoo, but I looked in my locker and it wasn't there. That's the last place I remember having it. The keepers are looking around the zoo today and I've scoured both my apartment and car and I can't find it anywhere. I love my digital camera and I'm going to cry if it's not found...

Why does everything have to go so bad lately? Every time I turn around something else is wrong. Why can't everything just go good for once. I can't afford to buy a new camera - that camera isn't even a year old. Grrr.....