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Monday, February 05, 2007


After applying for about 8 - 10 different positions for after graduation, I got word that I am wanted for a phone interview for one of them. The other zoos have not yet started calling people for their interviews, though as they've all had my applications for several weeks now, I'm starting to get nervous. Why? Because soon they'll start calling people for interviews and whether they call me or not will obviously be a deciding factor in my future...

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that the place which wants an interview with me wants one, but I really hope that I get more phone calls.

* looks around nervously* Cause, someplace wants me...don't they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mindy if one place wants you already you are already doing good. I am sure by the end of the year you will be agonizing over which job you should take.