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Sunday, February 11, 2007

It Figures

I found out tonight that I would be able to retake one of my exams for last week (due to technological problems - it's an online course) and would get the chance to better my grade. The catch is that if you did worse, you'd keep the worse grade...

Now, although I got an 88 out of 100, I thought - "yes! Now's my chance to get that up to an A! surely I can do it... after all, I'm not so stressed this time and we get 10 more minutes on the test..."

Boy, was I wrong...

40 minutes later (that was the time limit) I had answered the questions as best as I could, and looked up the answers I was unsure on. I submitted it, crossed my fingers and hoped for an A...

Only to find out that I got an 88 out of 100 AGAIN! I bet you I got the same answers wrong as the first time. Unfortunately I'll never know because we don't get the exams back or even get to see which ones were wrong.

Apparantly I was never meant to get an A on that exam.

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