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Saturday, February 03, 2007

RE: No more teachers, no more books...

Dear NDSU,

Hello, my name is Mindy - though you may better know me by my ID number - XXXXXX. How are you? How's that new wellness center going? And the Union? Good good...

The purpose of my letter is to inform you that I am tired of doing homework and taking tests and cramming knowledge into my head. So I've decided I'm just not going to do it anymore, okay? This is my last semester at college, and I really feel it should be spent pursuing better things than cramming knowledge into my head. For instance like surfing the internet all day long, and staying in my pajamas until 5 in the afternoon.

So here's the deal: I will stop doing all homework/tests/research papers/etc, and you will give me a 4.0 grade point average so I can graduate with honors in May and do my family proud. Okay? I promise I'll donate at least $5000 someday when I become rich.

I knew you'd see it my way.


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