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Friday, February 09, 2007

My First Round of Exams

I had three tests these week and I would love to be able to sit here and tell you that they went great... but they didn't.

Coinciding with these three rounds of tests was a phone call on Monday offering me an internship at a cat sactuary in Texas. To most people, this would be great news... but for me it brought about an issue that I had been putting off since last August.

You see, ever since I got back from Germany it was always a thought that after graduation I could possibly go back to live in Germany for some time. I had never decided if I would for sure, or for how long I'd go, but it was always a possibility. I would have times where I wanted nothing more than to go to Germany and other times when I felt sure it'd be better if I stayed in the States. And so I put off deciding on what I should do, and applied to some jobs and internships about five or six weeks ago to see if anyone might want to hire me.

Well, then Monday came and I learned that I could intern in Texas for the fall of 2007 if I wanted. Not exactly a paying job, but a great experience nontheless. And I realized that now I had to decide - Germany or States?

This was a tough decision for me, simply because a part of me wants to go back to Germany so badly. I miss my home there and I miss my fiance and I miss everything German. Let me tell you that trying to study for 3 exams is tough, when you have a huge life decision looming over your head.

Finally though, I've made a decision that I feel is for the best, even if it's not 110% what I want. And I've learned that sometimes life is about making decisions which would be best for the future as compared to what you would prefer to do right now.

Unless something comes up in the next week with one of my other applications I sent out (which is unlikely) I will be interning in Texas in the fall. In the summer I will most likely be working someplace... hopefully someplace where I can get good experience. When everything is completely set in stone, I will let you all know the details....

And as for my tests, well so far I got a B and a C...which easily could have been two A's had I studied more. But at least I know why I did poorer than I would have liked. Thankfully it's only the first round, so I can make up for it.

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