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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Excercise - Day One

I had my first day with my trainer at our gym on campus today... and it went well.

I started out by eating some yogurt about an hour before hand (with some fruit and oatmeal in it) and drinking plenty of water. Then I got to the gym, changed and found my trainer. In all truth being at the gym made me feel sort of out of place, weak, ugly and well... unfit. I kept telling myself that I was there for a reason though and that it would be worth it. After a short warm up, my trainer took me through one set each of some basic excercises, to focus on technique. I learned that I have problems with my ankles, which makes my knees and hips unsteady - something I'm not all surprised at.

Today was an easy day - normally I'd do more weight lifting then I did, plus cardio at the end (I skipped cardio today because we have a snow storm and someone was waiting for me for a ride, so I just wanted to get home)... but I'm still tired and I can definitely feel that I worked out!

But the great thing is going to be when a more fit and stronger me goes to pick up my fiance at the airport in 2 months. It's not that I look bad or anything... for those of you who know me, don't worry I'm not planning on losing weight and I don't think I'm fat - but I do think that gainnig muscle and more general fitness will improve my self esteem and in general improve me. And it'll be nice to show it off when he comes. Even if it's only a little.

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