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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Harry Potter 5 - Finished

WARNING: IF you haven't read or seen anything past book four of Harry Potter and you don't want to know what happens, then stop reading. This blog deals with the fifth book and will spoil it for you if you haven't read it. And if you have read past book 5, please don't leave a comment about any future happenings in book 6...I don't want to know until I read it in May (when my fiance brings it to me).

It took me one week and about 5 hours, but I finished the entire book of Harry Potter 5 and the Order of the Phoenix last night. And now I think I'm going through Harry Potter withdrawal...

I also can't get it out of my head. The prophesy took me by suprise - that wasn't what I was expecting at all. Sirius dying took me by surprise as well. Why did he have to die? What was the purpose? Poor Harry has already gone through so much, why make him go through this too? See, I can understand if there's a purpose. For instance I've heard tell that Dumbledore dies. That I can understand, because he is who Lord Voldemort fears and with Dumbledore dead, it opens the door for much darker (and therefore more exciting) and desperate times - the stuff a good book is made of. But why Sirius? I suppose it'll make things more difficult for Harry, and therefore more interesting...though it made me sad last night, and I admit that I cried.

And the end of the prophecy has me curious in German - "...denn keiner kann leben, während der Andere überlebt...A" or in English - "...neither can live while the other one lives..." What does that mean?

Hmmmm.... I was also surprised by the fact that it's the blood running in his aunt's vein that keeps him safe at the Dursley's. I had thought it was a spell that was put on the house or something.

These books remind me of Lord of the Rings. They're so good and they become such a part of you, that once you've finished reading one of the books or the series you feel a withdrawal and a little weird. I'm happy to have reached the end, and a little sad too. I get the sixth book in May, so I'll have to wait until then....

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