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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ever had numb eyes?

Ever gone to the doctor and gotten something "numbed" ? Maybe you've had a tooth pulled or a wart removed or something... well today, I had my eyes numbed. And wow...what a feeling!

I went to an opthamologist today to have my eye looked at (found out I have two styes) and one of the first things they did was put these numbing eye drops into both of my eyes and then use air pressure to check them. I found out I was normal in that respect - but you know how your body part will feel fatter than it is when you have it numbed? My eyes felt fat. I never knew a person's eyes could feel fat. The cool thing was when I realized that the woman was blowing air pressure into my eye and I realized that I didn't feel a thing. I kept wanting to poke myself in the eye cause it wouldn't hurt. Of course I didn't, but I did touch my "good" eye a few times... and then grinned because I've never had numb eyes before.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a feeling I'd want often. It was weird and uncomfortable...but it was funny at the same time. :)

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