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Thursday, February 15, 2007

What A Day

Today was quite a day. It started out great - we bought my fiance's plane ticket...he's officially going to be here on April 28, and will be staying nearly a month. He'll get to see my apartment, deal with me during my last finals week and see me graduate. I'm so excited! It'll have been about 9 months since we saw eachother last by then.... we've definitely earned it.

Then I studied. all. afternoon. That was exciting, let me tell you! But I did work really hard and took my (really hard) exam this evening. It was an essay test, seven questions and I wrote for 2 hours straight. When I left about half of the class was still writing. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I did study really hard all week though, and I did my best. Whatever I got, is whatever I got.

After the test I drove over to the library. I noticed a police car sitting there near the parking spaces, and made sure to park extra carefully and not break any laws. As soon as I left my car, the police car drove up behind it and I thought "no! There can't be a reason for a ticket!" I went into the library anyways and hurried to get my books. When I came back out, the police officer had gone and left me a gift. A nice little ticket...for parking in front of a hydrant. Now, you may call me dumb, but I was really careful. I didn't block the cross walks (just like a sign said not to), I made sure I was about 6 inches from the curb, I made sure the curb was yellow in color (which means I can park there) and I even looked and thought about the hydrant that was there. There were no signs that said "dont' block the hydrant" and the curb was yellow.. and right behind my car there was a huge open space where no parking was allowed, so I thought that it must be okay to park just slightly in front of it. Then the cop car pulled up behind me... and I guess I was wrong. See, the ticket is only 10.00 dollars, so it's really no big deal. But what really makes me mad, is that the police officer watched me park there, and painstakenly make sure that it was legal... he (or she) obviously saw me park in front of the hydrant and watched me get out of my car. He couldn't have told me that I was illegal - just said, "hey, do you realize it's illegal to park in front of the hydrant?" I would gladly have moved my car. It would have been one thing if he had just come across my car like that..but to watch me park and not be nice enough to warn me? Seriously - does he really have nothing better to do with his time?

Okay, I know it was illegal (now I know) but... isn't there a burglar to catch or something?

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